Season 3 Episode 6 – After learning that Courtney has been spending time with Cameron, Pat and Barbara go on a mission to see if the Mahkents pose a threat; Sylvester steps in to fill the void left by Courtney; tensions between Yolanda and Cindy reach new heights.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I love that Courtney is helping Cameron control and use his powers. The pair are great together onscreen but I must say I’m quite excited for the blow-up that’s bound to come when he finds out who killed his dad.
2. Cindy was completely right in what she was saying, none of the team has been honest lately but it’s always expected from her. She did try to explain herself prior to that fight but Yolanda didn’t give her a chance.
3. That was such a sweet conversation between Sylvester and Courtney. I love how their relationship has turned out because I honestly thought they would clash throughout the entire season. But he really is helping her become the best version of Stargirl she can be.
4. Much more interested in the story now that I know Cindy isn’t the main villain. I’m very intrigued to find out who it is but I’m going to assume it’s someone we haven’t seen on our screens yet.
What I Disliked
Bang out of order from the team going in on Courtney. The whole point of her teaching him was to show him how to control them and use them for good, if she hadn’t done that he would’ve been uncontrollable anyways. She’s always being belittled and shut down by her “team” and honestly, it’s getting boring.
Favourite Moment
That fight scene, as unjustified as Yolanda was, was incredible. Both girls held their own throughout and I loved seeing how their skills improved. Plus to top it off seeing Courtney do “the shooting star” to break up the fight really topped it off.
Standout Character
Courtney is taking the standout this week. I’ve loved seeing her have a life outside of Stargirl because it would be unrealistic if she didn’t. She always sees the best in others and really does care for everyone in her life and tries to keep the peace. It’s such a shame it’s not appreciated most of the time.
A good episode this week. It started off a bit slow but did pick up midway through. The story has just gotten much more interesting but I do hope going forward we see better teamwork.
Rating 8.4/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 8
Quality - 10
A good episode this week. It started off a bit slow but did pick up midway through. The story has just gotten much more interesting but I do hope going forward we see better teamwork.