Season 3 Episode 10 – Courtney and the team regroup after a dramatic confrontation leaves battle lines clearly drawn; a terrifying discovery made by Mike and Jakeem forces Pat and Sylvester to go on high alert; Paula and Larry take matters into their own hands.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. It’s so sweet that Paula and Larry have become so protective of Pat and the rest of the family and want to get payback after they were attacked.
2. I can’t quite explain why I liked this scene, but Pat and Sylvester going back to the Mahkent house was great. The best way I can describe it is insanely intense. It was such a calm atmosphere yet confrontational at the same time.
3. After Cameron confronts Courtney about the death of his dad, he learns the truth about what his Dad did, unfortunately, Cameron didn’t care too much for the truth as he still felt it was unfair for his Dad to be taken away from him. After pushing Courtney for the name of his killer Courtney lied to protect Mike and said she did it. I really did appreciate Courtney protecting her brother like that.
4. Finally we have a story behind our villain which we’ve been eagerly waiting for! The Ultra-Humanite has had many bodies over the years but was once a regular man. Up until Dragon Kong helped him put his brain into an actress called Dolores winters. After the JSA found out and tried to stop him, Ultra-Humanite and Dragon King put their brain into an ape to fight against the JSA.
5. I have put this moment in my dislikes as I didn’t like the fact that Paula and Larry had to die for this scene to be made but I do have to appreciate what it means going forward from this. Icicle is back and has killed the Crocks. The acting was incredible from everyone involved and it broke my heart to see the pair die together. I’m looking forward to what this will bring going forward as you just know it’s going to bring chaos.
What I Disliked
1. The thunderbolt has probably been one of the most useless characters in this show. After all, this time being in the show now and the first thing it’s done right is a wish for a milkshake.
2. Once again Yolanda, Rick, and Beth are pretty much absent from this episode. I don’t mind it every once in a while but it’s shocking how uninvolved they are this season. I loved seeing them back and in full swing of things last episode, but other than that they haven’t had many parts in anything else.
3. That ending was such a tricky one. The scene itself was very well done, very explosive, and unexpected but I didn’t appreciate the fact that Paula and Larry had to die for it. The pair have brought so much to our screens and have certainly been up there as favorites throughout this Season.
Favorite Moment
Paula saving Barbara from Granny Mahkent was great. Just watching her about to kill Barbara and then an arrow flew out of nowhere. The look on Barbara’s face was priceless. To then see Paula teaching Barbara how to use an arrow was both hilarious and so sweet. I love how much she cares about Barbara.
Standout Characters
A slightly different standout this week as I’m going to have to choose two characters. Paula and Larry have to take it this time. The character development for the pair has been insane, I loved them throughout this episode, seeing how much they’d come to care for Courtney and her family and unfortunately seeing their ending. Well played to both actors for making us love those characters!
A decent episode throughout but a slightly disappointing ending. I’m excited about what chaos it will bring next but it’s a shame to lose two of the best characters.
Rating 7.8/10
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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 4
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 9
A decent episode throughout but a slightly disappointing ending. I’m excited about what chaos it will bring next but it’s a shame to lose two of the best characters.