Season 3 Episode 13 – Courtney and the JSA find themselves in the fight of their lives against their biggest threat yet.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. That first scene just had my entire body clenched. We’re taken back to 9 months ago when Icicle and Dragon King put The Ultra Humanite’s brain into Starman. The scene was so disturbing I honestly have no words, we learned that Sylvester was actually brought back to life before it was done, and even kept him awake throughout as well.
2. This fight scene is so hard to keep up with, Cindy fighting her own Dad and Jekeem being the one to save her, Yolanda killing Cameron’s Grandmother, Barbara saving Courtney from Icicle, and then Cameron saving Barbara from Icicle. So much more happening but I can’t keep up it’s just all-around incredible.
3. Courtney finally has the staff back, not only knocking Sylvester on his ass but then turning up and giving it so Icicle was definitely a great moment for her. It’s been rare we’ve seen Courtney suited up with the staff and fighting this season so it was great to see that again.
4. You just have to feel for Cameron. It’s totally understandable why he’d feel the need to leave. Despite doing good he fought on a side that meant his Grandmother and Father died. Outstanding acting from this character throughout this.
5. I came so close to tears watching Mike see his mother. You could just feel the pain coming from him, you sometimes forget he is still just a child. But for him to go back to the car and call Barbara his mam really brought a tear to my eye and the reaction from Barbara just seemed so genuine and heartfelt.
6. I love that Cameron came back to Courtney for her help. I got why he left but I love the character and he and Courtney worked great together.
7. Well Icicle wasn’t dead but he sure is now. We go three months into the future and see his final ending as Artemis returns and burns him alive. Definitely fitting for her character to be the one to get revenge for her parents.
8. Well the ending totally threw me, we go ten years into the future and see The Shade doing a tour around the JSA museum, talking about the heroes. He mentioned that they did recover Sylvester’s brain and managed to bring him back which was very sweet, the JSA now includes heroes Sand and Damage, Rick and Beth are soon to be married and a couple more little Easter eggs. To end this we see a return of The Flash, who tells us that the story is far from over followed by a title that stated “Never the end”. This has understandably left us slightly confused as Stargirl has supposedly been canceled.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
That was probably the best entrance for anyone this entire series has ever done! After Sylvester tells Courtney Pat has died we hear a rumble in the background. Of course, Pat has dug himself out of the ground and makes a grand appearance as Stripsey. Absolutely insane, I had to rewind just to rewatch.
Standout Character
Courtney takes the standout for our Season Finale. What an amazing Stargirl she is man. To see her suited up, with the staff, and taking down The Ultrahumanite and Icicle was amazing.
An absolutely incredible season finale. This show has been so hit-and-miss throughout this season but that final episode really knocked it out of the park.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
An absolutely incredible season finale. This show has been so hit-and-miss throughout this season but that final episode really knocked it out of the park.