Season 1 Episode 3 “After a dangerous confrontation with a member of the Injustice Society of America, Pat warns Courtney to back down from her attempts to go after them; Barbara makes strides at work.”
What I Liked
1. A good start into the backstory of Icicle. His wife dies, pretty much in front of their son which forces Jordan to go on the offensive. It’s nice to see the “villains” of the season have this level of a backdrop to fully understand them. What makes it even better is that each member of the ISA has an interesting story.
2. I do have to give Courtney credit where credit is due. Even after spotting the iced-over field, Pat’s several warnings, she’s still persistent in going after Jordan. I admired that. It was similar to Oliver Queen in Arrow until Malcolm Merlyn destroyed him. The confidence will shatter.
3. Icicle literally almost ends Stargirl within seconds, if it wasn’t for Pat using S.T.R.I.P.E’s hand cannon. You can tell almost immediately that she is way out of her league when it comes to this.
4. Well, the show just took a really dark turn. Wow. After S.T.R.I.P.E saves the school bus from falling off the bridge, William’s son, Joey was resting on the bridge clearly getting his bearings back. Icicle pulls one of his cards away as a car is oncoming, and kills him. I can’t believe how quickly that just changed. Seeing the reaction from his parents was heartbreaking.
5. Pat takes Courtney to the JSA headquarters, with the famous round table in the middle. This was a great touch, especially going through some of the heroes that were members. It’s even better seeing upfront photos of them on the wall.
6. Icicle really is ruthless. The Wizard visits him in anger, and within a second he’s killed by Jordan. My only disappointment was the lack of William, I really would have liked to see more of him. However, this deserves a like as it’s showing how devastating stepping up against Icicle is.
7. Cameron turns out to be Jordan’s son. Kind of seen it coming if I’m honest, but I did like the scene it shows. Jordan seems like such a good father.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week. If I am to mention anything it would be the lack of William’s story.
Favourite Moment
The very end of the episode, Courtney is picking up items from the JSA headquarters, we know the younger JSA is coming. So, this little tease was a great way to end the episode.
Standout Character
Icicle, hands down. I know we haven’t seen much of him so far except this episode, but he’s shaping up to be an incredibly interesting character. He was great this week.
Stargirl continues to impress on a high level. Great backstories, the JSA stuff was fantastic, and the villain of the show just deserves a round of applause. I was sceptical with the show before the Pilot, but this is the show I’m excited for every week! Good job to everyone on this making it amazing!
Rating 10/10