Season 1 Episode 1 “Courtney’s seemingly perfect life in Los Angeles gets upended with a move to Nebraska; when Courtney discovers that Pat is harboring a major secret about his past, she ultimately becomes the unlikely inspiration for a new generation of superheroes.”
What I Liked
1. Well, that was an incredibly intense start to the episode. It showed us what happened 10 years ago with Starman and the JSA. We get to see the villains and the heroes from that time. Not to mention a cheeky glimpse of Jay Garrick’s helmet. It’s not even 5 minutes in and I’m already intrigued!
2. Why the Christmas theme middle of May? Well, I don’t care. Christmas may very well be 7 months away but All Alone On Christmas by Darlene Love is hard not to get in the mood for. I’m getting carried away, I know, but I love Christmas!
3. After Pat, Mike, Barbara and Courtney move. We see that Mike is still trying to hunt down the people that dismantled and killed the JSA. We see the names are The Wizard, Brainwave and Icicle. I do like the fact it zoomed in on the confidential folders to show us who each villain was, especially if they are to be the villains going forward in the present day. I know there was one he didn’t mention, but I’m sure we’ll find out that later on.
4. You can sense the awkwardness for Courtney on her first day of school. Brec’s acting is phenomenal here, I have to admit it. She essentially stands up to bullies at the “loser table” in the cafeteria.
5. Another Jay Garrick tease after Courtney finds a photo of the entire JSA. I do like how they can tease different heroes from that time, with the hopes that a couple of names we already know could potentially show up. There are quite a few noticeable heroes already in that photo that you may recognise.
6. Another great scene when Courtney finds the staff. It seems as though this particular staff has a personality, and it looks absolutely amazing!
7. The staff takes Courtney to the bullies we see earlier in the episode, and essentially the staff just makes all 3 of them look like idiots by itself. Even blowing up their car. The staff then looked like it was laughing as well. I love this.
8. I wasn’t expecting the father to the main bully to be none other than Brainwave himself. He asks his son about the staff, and it seems uncomfortable for his son. Brainwave then unlocks his secret bookcase to unveil his suit. We now know one of the villains is in the exact same city as Courtney.
What I Disliked
Sloppy CGI at the very beginning. It didn’t annoy me that much because the scene was so intense, however, if you do look back it was choppy throughout the scene, and certain parts of it were quite noticeable.
Favourite Moment
Courtney and Brainwave come face to face! A short small fight scene happens. None of which win, but Courtney does manage to get away after the staff creates another fire. After that, Pat shows up in a transformer car!
Standout Character
Courtney takes it without a doubt. Brec did an unbelievable job and really took the role on well.
I loved the premiere. It’s one of the stronger premieres we’ve had in a while. The episode was set at a pace we could all keep up with, and I actually managed to learn all the names of the people we’ve seen so far. Not many shows can do that for me after the first episode.
Rating 10/10