Season 1 Episode 2″ After Courtney has an unexpected run-in with a member of the Injustice Society of America, Pat reveals the truth to her about their history; Barbara is elated when she sees Courtney making an attempt to get along with Pat.”
What I Liked
1. So, Courtney is trying to find out more about the Justice Society of America and more importantly the villain she just faced known as Brainwave. As it turns out Brainwave was the one who killed Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
2. Gotta admire how well these villains blend in. Who would’ve thought a guy who goes by the name William and has a wife and child is also known as “The Wizard”. Will we be meeting Icicle next? Could that be who they referred to as Jordan?
3. It looks like Pat is about to try and take on Brainwave himself, as we see him testing out a prototype suit and joining the gym to prepare himself. Little does he know Brainwave isn’t the only one living in Blue Valley.
4. Courtney has taken Starman’s suit and has taken it into school to give it a woman’s touch I guess you could say? The show even managed to remind us just how powerful a suit can be as Courtney tried to cut through it, and broke her scissors in the process.
5. As we see Courtney and Brainwave come face to face he orders Courtney to bring him the Cosmic staff. If she doesn’t Brainwave tells her he will kill her mother. We hear the desperation in her voice as she tells Pat what has happened, and tells him she is going to face him. Pat has other ideas as he tells Courtney to take her mother and get away as he prepares the suit to face Brainwave himself.
6. Pat is suited up and face to face with Brainwave, but Brainwave is able to block every attempt Pat makes at taking him down. If things weren’t bad enough for Pat, he has to be saved by his stepdaughter. Or as we may now call her, Stargirl! Courtney is suited up and prepared to take on Brainwave, more than proving herself as she wins the fight. Very impressive.
7. As one villain is taken down another has now stepped on the scene. Jordan makes his entrance at the end of the episode, also to be known as “Icicle”. As Jordan prepares to take on Stargirl, he doesn’t show much concern as he then goes on to tell us he was the one to kill Starman. This could be interesting.
What I Disliked
I have no dislikes for this episode.
Favourite Moment
Pat is suited up and face to face with Brainwave, but Brainwave is able to block every attempt Pat makes at taking him down. If things weren’t bad enough for Pat, he has to be saved by his stepdaughter. Or as we may now call her, Stargirl! Courtney is suited up and prepared to take on Brainwave, more than proving herself as she wins the fight. Very impressive.
Standout Character
Standout character for me goes to Courtney this week. We seen her recreate Starman’s suit, and take down Brainwave all within one episode.
Amazing episode yet again this week, I couldn’t even find a single dislike. Well played by all the characters. So far they’ve had a great start to the series.
Rating 10/10