Stargirl has had an exceptional start to it’s run airing on the DC Universe platform but also aired on the CW directly.
CW has stated the show will be “exclusive in-season” meaning they will take over from the DC Universe.
I’m ecstatic the show has been renewed, especially considering the season thus far has been beyond strong, maybe one of the strongest superhero shows airing currently.
I do have issues with this, however. The CW has a reputation for ignoring source material, and I do feel like the show may not live up to the current standards we’re used to seeing at the moment.
Another major issue I have with this, and I’ve not been shy in calling this out, the DC Universe streaming service is awful. This sets a further precedent that they simply just don’t care, that was clear when Doom Patrol moved to HBO Max as well.
I am happy the show has been renewed, and I can’t wait for it even if this season is still currently going. However, my issues lie that the CW can be iffy in their shows. Many people will call out that their shows haven’t been up to standard for a few years now. The quality in the show needs to remain the same, as does the budget for the show.
What are your thoughts on the renewal, and the background to it? Let us know down in the comments below.