Season 1 Episode 7 “Pat tries to teach Courtney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick the importance of teamwork; as the school prepares for homecoming, Cindy lashes out against her father’s strict rules; Barbara accepts an offer from Jordan.”
What I Liked
1. We see the janitor, Justin Arthur enter into his office and we see a sword standing up against the wall. Could he be the Shining Knight? That could be interesting.
2. Cindy returns home to her Stepmother, who appears to be very afraid of her. She then goes down to her basement, the same place we have seen Jordan in a previous episode, along with Solomon Grundy. It appears this isn’t a shock to Cindy as she casually walks past without blinking an eye.
3. Pat teaches the team about each member of the Injustice Society as he prepares to train them.
4. Cindy’s father is Dragon King, who we saw a couple of episodes ago. As she has a discussion with her father, she reveals a hidden blade out of the cuff of her blouse, which she then uses to slit the throat of one of her father’s henchmen.
5. Courtney follows Principal Bowin as she walks through a secret door. Courtney enters the basement where all members of the Injustice Society have been meeting and we see Cindy suiting up as she waits for Stargirl. The fight between the two was extremely intense. Courtney struggles as Cindy appears to heal immediately from any damage that Courtney inflicts upon her.
6. As Courtney appears defeated lying on the ground, the Janitor unexpectedly makes an appearance and manages to stop Cindy, and save Courtney, however, Courtney appears to be badly injured.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Courtney follows Principal Bowin as she walks through a secret door. Courtney enters the basement where all members of the Injustice Society have been meeting and we see Cindy suiting up as she waits for Stargirl. The fight between the two was extremely intense. Courtney struggles as Cindy appears to heal immediately from any damage that Courtney inflicts upon her.
Standout Character
Cindy certainly deserves the standout character this week. The thought never even crossed my mind she could be a villain, I think everyone just assumed she was the mean girl of high school. She certainly shows her strengths as she enters into a fight with Stargirl.
This season just keeps getting better and more interesting as it goes on. Another incredible episode this week with a little twist in the story.
Rating 10/10