Season 2 Episode 11 – After a frightening encounter leaves Courtney’s life hanging in the balance, the team band together to determine their next steps.
What I Liked
1. As Courtney is taken into the Shadowlands which is basically a replica of Blue Valley, she is confronted by familiar faces, one of those being Joey. The scene quickly turned dark and Courtney ran out of the cafe which led her back to the school.
2. I’m so pleased we got a return from Cindy! She’s a brilliant actress and I had a feeling her character hadn’t actually died. I’m hoping we can see another side to her for the rest of the season.
3. As soon as Cindy said it was the Shadowlands we had a feeling Dr. Mid-Nite would be making his appearance which he does as he’s pulling Courtney to a safe place.
4. Dr. Mid-Nite finally tells us what happened between him and Shade. After his daughter Rebecca died, Shade blamed himself, for knowing about Eclipso and not doing anything. After the pair shared a bottle of Absinthe, Shade considered the two friends and chose to save Dr. Mid-Nite during the fight against the ISA. Unfortunately, Shade didn’t know Dr. Mid-Nite was still alive, which as we know meant he spent all these years in the Shadowlands.
5. Courtney is given the chance to return home as Shade opens the portal between the Shadowlands and reality, but Courtney chose to go and get Cindy so that she can return. I love this scene mainly because it’s very clear the pair don’t like each other, yet still have some amount of respect for the other.
6. Milo Stein is possibly the best child actor I have ever seen! To play a role that dark and sadistic at that age, and to do it that well is so impressive! I get shivers when he is on the screen, this little boy has such a bright future ahead of him. The scenes of him tormenting Courtney were very well done!
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Shade sacrifices himself to bring back Courtney, Cindy, and Dr. Mid-Nite. While I’m devastated to see the character go as he was amazing, it was a good ending to the character, for him to do something good! The scene was very emotional as the group gathered around him as he slipped away. I loved how we could see a glimpse of happiness from him, knowing he did something good.
Standout Character
The main character of the show is taking standout this week, Courtney! She played an amazing role throughout this entire episode. Her scenes with Eclipso, Dr. Mid-Nite, and Cindy in the Shadowlands were all very impactful and her end scene returning to her family was so emotional.
An amazing episode of Stargirl this week! I have not one bad thing to say. Every single character played amazingly well, and the story development was incredible. I’m looking forward to next week’s episode already.
Rating 10/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
An amazing episode of Stargirl this week! I have not one bad thing to say. Every single character played amazingly well, and the story development was incredible. I’m looking forward to next week's episode already.