
Stargirl “Summer School: Chapter Ten” Review

Season 2 Episode 10 – Courtney is left devastated after discovering a dark secret that Pat has kept hidden from her; Jennie may be able to help in their plan to stop Eclipso, but they’re forced to put their issues aside as they set out on a road trip to find her.

What I Liked

1. Again, loving the scenes from back in the day between Pat and Starman. The scene was very emotional as Starman shows Pat he still carried the watch Pat gave to him on his 15th birthday.

2. Not the entrance we’re typically used to from The Shade but I will take it purely because I’m glad to see him back! I love that Barbara and Courtney were taking his side despite Pat not trusting him.

3. This is just a small detail, but appreciated nonetheless as a fellow Marvel fan. Mike referring to the Shade as Benedict Cumberbatch was brilliant.

4. Finally the truth about Doctor Mid-Nite and The Shade is revealed. Fans of the show have speculated for months that The Shade actually saved Doctor Mid-Nite which in this episode Doctor Mid-Nite confirms. The Shade tried to pull him to safety, but he got lost in the shadowlands.

5. I don’t know if the show intended to do this, but Courtney being sucked into a black hole was the same way Cindy “died”. We know they aren’t going to kill off the star of the show, which suggests to me that Cindy is still alive somewhere.


What I Disliked

1. I at least thought if Stargirl were going to bring Jennie in to help the team she would already know how to control her powers by now, which she doesn’t. So it does kind of feel like we’re now gonna have to wait for her to figure out how to do that before the team can move forward.

2. The staff has not worked for quite a few episodes now, I appreciate Courtney needs to prove who she is without the staff, but it’s been long enough now.

3. Honestly I did not like the ending of Shade deceiving them. There’s been so much back and forth as to whether he’s good or evil and now it’s bounced back to him just wanting to save himself and putting the team in danger as putting the diamondback together Summons Eclipso, whereas Shade told the team it would trap Eclipso back inside it. I think we’ve had enough of the back and forth now and I’d rather he just help them from this point forward.

4. I know Eclipso needs to make a big impact on the team and I appreciate that, but other than a 30-second clip we see of Rick in a jail cell that is all we’ve had since he got arrested, also where is Yolanda? Like is she actually not coming back because it hasn’t addressed that totally well either.

Favourite Moment

A small detail as Courtney and Pat return to Pat and Starman’s old workplace. As Courtney is looking at some old newsletters framed to the wall we see a couple of familiar names. “Green Arrow and Speedy stop The Spider” is one of them, which as a fan of the once-popular TV show “Arrow” it’s certainly appreciated.

Standout Character

Despite him having a dislike, I am going to give a standout to the Shade. He made the biggest impact throughout the episode from his return, finding out he has a sister named Emily, the reveal that he saved Doctor Mid-Nite, and then of course his deceit toward the end of the episode.



A good episode of Stargirl but to be totally honest it was definitely one of the weaker episodes compared to the rest of the season so far. I wasn’t a big fan of how this episode ended, and character storylines throughout this episode could’ve been improved.

Rating 5.8/10

Promo For Next Episode


Story - 6
Action - 5
Characters - 5
Entertainment - 7



A good episode of Stargirl but to be totally honest it was definitely one of the weaker episodes compared to the rest of the season so far. I wasn’t a big fan of how this episode ended, and character storylines throughout this episode could’ve been improved.

Rebecca Lewandowski

26 years old. A review specialist and journalism covering mainly The CW's Arrowverse. Rebecca also controls the social media aspects of Only Comic Universe, ensuring they're kept up to date. Rebecca also has connections within the news industry and remains a freelance journalist for the company.

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