Season 2 Episode 3 – After getting a taste of the superhero life, Mike pleads with Pat to let him join the team; after seeking help from Thunderbolt, the JSA prepare for a confrontation with The Shade.
What I Liked
1. Thunderbolt has chosen Mike as his new partner and I do have to appreciate a bit of comedy making its way to our screens. It feels like your typical “genie in a lamp” kinda story, having to be so precise in what you ask for. Plus this is also giving us more of a storyline for Mike who has been kinda left in the shadows since Pat began spending his time assisting the new JSA.
2. The Shade is definitely becoming one of the more creepy characters who have been brought into the show. His scene with Barbara made me feel so uncomfortable. The lights going out, the noises throughout the air, just very very creepy. Well played to the actor Jonathon Cake.
3. Can we just take a second to appreciate Thunderbolt? What a unique character. He stops the bullies who beat up Mike at the beginning and are harassing a young lady selling cookies at a stand. Mike tells Thunderbolt to make them stop, so obviously, his unique way was just lobbing STOP signs from the sky all around them. It’s definitely quirky that’s for sure.
4. I’m not quite sure what just happened towards the end here, but as a villain named Eclipso is mentioned we see The Shade saying he’s going to kill all these kids. Which naturally I’m assuming he means Courtney, Yolanda, Beth, and Rick. There has been a mention of the Black Diamond so all of this seems to be linking back to Cindy. I’m gutted we didn’t get to see her this episode and I hope we get to see more of her next episode! But does that mean The Shade isn’t our villain? I can’t keep up!
What I Disliked
1. Slightly disappointed in the opening scene. I was quite excited to see a scene from the JSA back in the day, but we saw Pat and two other members. We also didn’t see anything interesting. The show constantly talks about the old JSA team, but we’ve seen very very little on who they were and what they did. So I was quite disappointed in how short and pointless this scene was.
2. I have to throw this in there as it’s played on my mind most of the episode, why have the characters all of a sudden become quite placid and boring? The likes of Yolanda, Rick, and Beth were great in season one, but this time around they haven’t had much to say, and haven’t really done anything at all so far.
3. Where is Starman?? This was a huge cliffhanger back in season one. I get there’s other stuff going on but come on it hasn’t even been acknowledged.
Favourite Moment
As the group goes to confront Shade and intend to stop him, the scene gets kinda awkward as they sit down to have tea with the guy. All seems good until Mike tries to prove a point that he can be helpful, causing Shade to lash out and have to defend himself against all the others. I was completely taken back by this scene as Shade absolutely wiped the floor with each and every one of them, he didn’t even break a sweat. He might be creepy but he certainly knows how to put up a fight.
Standout Character
I’m gonna give this week’s standout to Mike. For being quite a young actor Trae Romano was brilliant in this episode! I completely understood where his character was coming from by feeling alone, of course, you would when your Dad has to have all his focus on your step-sister. He brought some humor to the show this episode which was great to see, and I hope they can make his character more included in this series now.
This was a good episode but there definitely could’ve been some improvements, mainly to the action and also the characters. I definitely think this Season will be great though as they are lining up what seems to be a pretty brutal villain.
Rating 7.5/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 7
Characters - 6
Entertainment - 8
This was a good episode but there definitely could’ve been some improvements, mainly to the action and also the characters. I definitely think this Season will be great though as they are lining up what seems to be a pretty brutal villain.