Season 2 Episode 12 – With the looming threat of Eclipso hanging over them, Courtney seeks help from an unlikely place; Mike’s search to find Thunderbolt leads him to Jakeem; Pat goes to extreme lengths to protect Rick.
What I Liked
1. Dr. Midnighter explains to Pat that while Eclipso may be powerful, he is vulnerable since he doesn’t have a host which is shielding and protecting him. I actually think from all the heroes we’ve seen appear on the series, Dr. Midnighter is one of the most unique ones which has.
2. I really liked Pat speaking to Rick’s uncle about him not pressing charges on Rick. He wants him to save him before he truly ruins his life. Pat goes dark in this scene as he locks the hospital door, shuts the blinds and we don’t see what happens. I really like this direction Pat went.
3. Cindy, while offering to work with Stargirl and the rest of the squad to takedown Eclipso, she’s still willing to be this evil person. We get to see this when she visits Yolanda and tells her not to return as they don’t need any “weak links”. I think this will be the reason why Yolanda returns.
What I Disliked
1. Don’t get me wrong, the actress is amazing who portrays Beth, however, the character of “Beth” is severely annoying and I truly hope she receives better writing, better scenes, and can actually fight in battle when the time comes, every single fight and episodes she’s just “there”, running around, smiling and laughing. It’s annoying.
Favourite Moment
My favorite moment was when Dr. Midnighter and Beth spoke to Eclipso. He mentions soon he will destroy their planet and become their God. While back at the Whitmore household, Jennie is having nightmare visions. These visions get revealed more as Eclipso speaks. We then get to see Courtney being the host of Eclipso with bodies around her.
Standout Character
I think I’m going to give this to Pat this week. While he didn’t do much, the scene where he visited Rick’s uncle to get him to drop the charges was unexpected yet brilliant. It was gritty, dark, and felt real.
Overall, not a solid episode by any means. This episode was purely a “recuperate” episode where the heroes, as well as one villain in Cindy, returned home and got themselves together. To bring everyone together. The story was alright, action was barely any in the episode, if that. The characters were great.
Rating 7.3/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 7
Action - 4
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8
Overall, not a solid episode by any means. This episode was purely a "recuperate" episode where the heroes, as well as one villain in Cindy, returned home and got themselves together. To bring everyone together. The story was alright, action was barely any in the episode, if that. The characters were great.