Season 2 Episode 7 – When the guilt over Brainwave’s death becomes too much to handle, Yolanda is forced to make a heartbreaking decision.
What I Liked
1. A brilliant opening scene by Yolanda. Her emotions feel so real even just watching them through a screen, Yvette Monreal is a brilliant actress and is portraying the character and her mental health struggles brilliantly.
2. Seeing Pat and Mike team up together to work on S.T.R.I.P.E and to begin Mikes’s training. I feel like we are gonna get a lot of laughs throughout the scenes between the two of them.
3. Yolanda seems to be suffering from some form of PTSD. Although it was all in her head, the scene of her in the school being confronted by Henry and Brainwave was very well done and truly made me feel for her character!
4. Yolanda finally tells the team that she made the choice to kill Brainwave. I loved how supportive Rick and Courtney were in this scene and again the scenes brought from Yolanda were heartbreaking. Beth did let this moment down slightly but still a great scene.
What I Disliked
I would’ve preferred if Beth had been there to support Yolanda like the rest of the team. I know Beth can’t help but speak her mind which she is entitled to, but Yolanda is her friend, and Beth knew what they were up against.
Favourite Moment
As Yolanda goes to confession at the church, she’s met with her demons once again as Brainwave stands before her, and she has to make the decision to kill him again. I still don’t even know if this is Eclipso or if it’s just her own mind doing this to her. Unfortunately, this leads to Yolanda making the decision to quit the team.
Standout Character
Yolanda is taking this week’s standout without a doubt. I’m not sure whether this is her mind playing tricks on her or Eclipso, but Courtney did say that at the end of the episode so I’m guessing nobody knows right now. The actress playing Yolanda did a fantastic job this episode, she really brought her emotions to life!
A great episode this week, heavily focused on Yolanda which I do feel was needed. Some small things did let it down, lack of action for instance but the episode did manage to make up for a lot of that with the intense scenes from Yolanda and, Brainwave and Henry.
Rating 8.5/10
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Story - 9
Action - 6
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
A great episode this week, heavily focused on Yolanda which I do feel was needed. Some small things did let it down, lack of action for instance but the episode did manage to make up for a lot of that with the intense scenes from Yolanda and, Brainwave and Henry.