Season 1 Episode 4 “Courtney sets out to recruit new members to the Justice Society of America; Pat’s suspicion is piqued following a bizarre conversation with one of the town’s residents.”
What I Liked
1. Interesting start to this episode seeing Yolanda’s past. Showing us the person she used to be. Yolanda was popular until an indecent image of her was released to the entire school by Cindy.
2. Another member of the Injustice Society is introduced, Dragon King. Or as Icicle refers to him, Doctor Ito.
3. Despite being apprehensive, Yolanda finally opens up to Courtney. After telling Yolanda that she was the one who blew up Henry’s car, she takes her to the cosmic staff. While Courtney shows her the Stargirl suit, she gives Yolanda a suit of her own, taking on the name “WildCat”. The suit looks incredible after adjusting itself to fit Yolanda perfectly, and even matches her style.
4. Using Wikipedia to figure out the abilities that the original WildCat had, Courtney and Yolanda take to the streets to see if she gained the same abilities from the suit, which reigned true as she tried out her new powers.
5. Yolanda and Courtney have sneaked into Brainwaves room at the hospital and as they are inside Principle Bowin shows at his bedside playing the violin. Could she be another member of the Injustice Society?
6. Yolanda stands up to her family, who all shut her out over the last few months for “disgracing their family” after her indecent images were released. Even though her family shut her down and sent her back to her room, this only encouraged Yolanda to fully take on the role of Wildcat as she returns to Courtney back in her suit, and ready to fight back.
7. While Pat is hunting through the scrapyard at the end of this episode, he comes across a familiar car. The car belongs to The Wizard’s wife who Pat had spoken to earlier that day as she said she was leaving. The car is completely damaged from the outside to the inside. Another tease at the end of this episode.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Yolanda stands up to her family, who all shut her out over the last few months for “disgracing their family” After her indecent images were released. Even though her family shut her down and sent her back to her room, this only encouraged Yolanda to fully take on the role of Wildcat as she returns to Courtney back in her suit, and ready to fight back.
Standout Character
Yolanda’s character came a long way this episode. We learned about her past and who she used to be. We then saw her team up with Stargirl and take on the Mantle of Wildcat.
Another incredible episode this week. This series is already becoming a favourite of mine.
Rating 10/10