
Supergirl “Fear Knot” Review

Season 6 Episode 7 – As the Super Friends brave the Phantom Zone to bring Supergirl home, the members of the team are confronted by visions of their worst fears.

What I Liked

1. I’m confused as to why J’onn hid the fact the Tower is also a spaceship, but yeah, it was great to see the entire Tower just transform in a technological way and look so much better.

2. Lena has become a much better character since joining the team, I did love the moment she had with Nia. It was a mini heart-to-heart, but it’s nice that Lena feels like a huge part of the team in such a short space of time.

3. After a hugely confusing start. It seems that every person individually is having their own “fear vision” which showcases their greatest fear as if in reality. Each individual member receives their own and then the clock hits back 10 minutes. It’s interesting that’s for sure.

4. As if Brainiac is frightened of balloons…it’s kind of funny at the same time let’s be honest.

5. I was hoping for a more surprise return from Kara, to be honest, but I will take that. She and her father are about to be completely overwhelmed until Lena’s sun bomb goes off and gives Kara and her father powers. A decent end to a long-drawn-out story that’s for sure.


What I Disliked

J’onn yet again, looking dumb when it comes to a fight it’s actually pathetic at this point. It actually had to be Alex that fought the Phantom, and even then she got hit. The fight scene was also trash and looked dreadful even if it wasn’t “real”.

Favourite Moment

Finally, J’onn had a badass moment. It only took god knows how long, but the way he resisted the Phantom’s fear visions was impressive. He still remains on my dislikes but because I’m sick of seeing him be portrayed so weak, fear vision or not, but that was brilliant.

Standout Character

It’s a struggle to dedicate this to a specific character this week, but I feel like I have to give it to J’onn. He took my favorite moment, and even in light of him directly receiving a dislike – the way he commanded the team was inspiring and deserves it above all else this week.


A decent episode to end a good story. I wish it had been better but I will take that. I am just super disappointed we won’t be seeing any Supergirl episodes until the back end of August now.

Rating 7.5/10

Promo For Next Episode


Story - 7
Action - 7
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 8



A decent episode to end a good story. I wish it had been better but I will take that. I am just super disappointed we won't be seeing any Supergirl episodes until the back end of August now.


Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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