Season 6 Episode 4 – Supergirl finds an opportunity to escape from the Phantom Zone but it comes with some dangerous strings attached; Lena joins the Super Friends on a mission but finds she disagrees with their plan of action.
What I Liked
1. Brainiac throwing his percentages around with probabilities has been missed, happy to see he still has it!
2. Lena has been a great addition to the team thus far. An actual willingness to help out instead of complaining that someone lied to her to protect her. I’m just sad it took this long before she managed to be brought in properly.
3. Brainiac eating doughnuts all episode has been hilarious, I think simply because it resonates with me as a person, especially when I’m feeling anxious, stressed or emotional. The doughnuts do look lovely as well.
4. A nice moment in the end between Alex and Lena. Lena felt guilty that the device she created could have saved Kara, but they used it to defeat the Phantoms. Alex convinced her that she’s a vital member of the team and I completely agree. When Lena is on the good side, she’s one of the better characters on the show.
What I Disliked
1. I always had a deep-down feeling Myxl was up to something, but I really wish the show had proven me wrong. She betrays Kara and her father as the mirror activates the exit point. It’s just annoying that it’s very rare you get someone who actually just wants to help, and I thought the show has broken that with Myxl.
2. Figured this would be the episode Kara manages to escape the Phantom Zone but nope, she destroys the second mirror when she had a chance to get out. What a waste and I feel like this was the perfect moment for this part to end – instead, it’s going to drag out now.
Favourite Moment
Most of the group’s life force manages to get taken by the Phantoms, including J’onn and Brainiac. However, in a final bid, Alex and Dreamer manage to get to the crystal holding the life forms in and destroy it using Lena’s device. A moment where the team all came together and managed to defeat the Phantoms on Earth. This was great!
Standout Character
This week’s prestigious standout award goes to Brainiac this week. The doughnuts, then gearing up to fight when needed was great. The percentages were mentioned again, and I’m glad not only him, but others really came into their own this week.
Supergirl continues to be on a roll with season 6, and now 4 episodes in – it’s been fantastic. It has the spark back that’s been missing for so long. This episode despite not having many likes, it was just so damn good. It advanced really well and this is the show that I have missed for so long now.
Rating 9.1/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 9
Characters - 9.5
Entertainment - 9
Supergirl continues to be on a roll with season 6, and now 4 episodes in - it's been fantastic. It has the spark back that's been missing for so long. This episode despite not having many likes, it was just so damn good. It advanced really well and this is the show that I have missed for so long now.