Season 6 Episode 3 – Supergirl makes a new ally; Lena and Lex battle for control of Luthor Corp.
What I Liked
1. It took a while before a scene hit that I liked, and it’s only minimal but I’m incredibly impressed by J’onn’s movements after Silas “turns” into the Phantom. They fight one on one until Brainiac intervened, but J’onn doing handstand manoeuvres to dodge the attacks was brilliant.
2. The Lena and Lex was over Luthor Corp is been brilliantly petty and I love it. The fact Lena asked Brainiac to funnel his money into a charity instead of his “front foundation” is just perfect. I’m really enjoying Brainiac again this season.
3. Brainiac’s passion for ending Lex is admirable, it really is. After Lena cracks, she mentions she wishes he was dead. Brainiac then goes off on one explaining how he could kill him slowly, Lena stops him because obviously, he’s a good person. It then becomes super emotional once Brainiac breaks down in anguish because he can’t handle the guilt.
4. Alex suiting up like that?!! Nice!
5. Whilst J’onn effectively does a soul transfusion with M’gann after she’s hit by a Phantom, Alex and Brainiac stand side by side to fight 5 Phantoms and it’s a brilliant scene the way they work together to fight them off.
6. I understand Lena’s decision to leave Luthor Corp. She’s right when she mentions they’re in a cat and mouse chase and it’s going in circles constantly. Hopefully, we can Lena come into her own a bit more going forward now as she’s been embroiled in this battle with Lex for quite some time now.
7. A beautiful moment between Alex and Kelly towards the end of the episode. Alex asks Kelly to move in after being there for her, it was a lovely scene between the two.
What I Disliked
I don’t mind Lex and his brutality, but setting fire to a children’s hospital is a bit much, to be honest. That was too far, even for Lex.
Favourite Moment
As Kara sleeps, her newfound ally, Myxl manages to take her wristbands off which are seemingly blocking her magic. After clicking her fingers, she realised she has them back and heals Kara’s broken leg. It was a joyous scene, and it’s nice actually seeing someone help Kara for once.
Standout Character
I’m giving it to Alex, just simply for that epic “suit up” moment alone. Besides that she was fantastic, every aspect of her character was enjoyable this episode, especially going from breaking down to just an outstanding fight scene. Bravo.
Supergirl has really impressed me so far this season, and this episode was brilliant. It’s been quite some time since I’ve actually been excited for the next episode of this show, so well done to all the CW writers on this.
Rating 9.5/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 9
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Supergirl has really impressed me so far this season, and this episode was brilliant. It's been quite some time since I've actually been excited for the next episode of this show, so well done to all the CW writers on this.