Season 6 Episode 6 – Flashbacks reveal young Kara experiencing kryptonite for the first time; Nia and Brainy are trapped by invading aliens; a young Cat Grant may be the reason Supergirl never gets out of the Phantom Zone.
What I Liked
1. From the back of last week when we saw Kara and Alex’s strained relationship as kids, we also see the flip side of that this week. Alex apologizes for the outburst before Kara goes to her prom, so it is nice to see that they’re still pretty close back then as well.
2. I really like the young Kara, she portrays the role so well. The way she struck the meteor mid-drop was astounding, granted she was hit with Kryptonite and his the deck, but it was great.
3. Kenny stupidly gave himself up to the aliens in place of Kara and finds himself in a cell with Cat. He goes on a self-pity route but is completely and utterly shut down by Cat. Where is she when the rest of the Arrowverse go on these constant whinge fests?
4. I have to admire the pure sassy attitude from Cat. This is the Cat we know and love. It’s great the writing matches the actress, because now, NOW I can see the resemblance between the pair.
5. I did really enjoy the fact that Brainiac was crying, it was just nice to see him actually feel “hopeful”, as he said himself. I also liked the fact he kisses Nia, I have missed their relationship.
What I Disliked
1. Cat Grant was always over the top, but not like this. Releasing the aliens then standing there unphased was a bit much. It felt like it was just shoddy writing.
2. Brainiac and Nia screwed up and Kara ended up being in front of journalists and police because of Cat. Brainiac and Nia decide to go back a few hours to redo it, and Kara jumps on the shop as they go back. This was quite annoying if I’m being brutally honest.
Favourite Moment
Nia finds herself a new power which is actually super interesting. She’s been having dreams of a tiger and a cage, as she struggles to contain the dream, the aliens go toe to toe with them – she actually takes the tiger from the dream and unleashes it on the aliens. I hope she manages to control her powers going forward as that’ll be an interesting take.
Standout Character
I have to give it to young Kara, she was amazing this week. At times I completely forgot this was an actress because everything she did just felt like the Kara we know. She completely mimics Melissa in real life it’s scary but fantastic!
This episode wasn’t quite as good as last week, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. I hope this isn’t the last time we see young Kara, because the actress absolutely nailed the role. Brainiac and Nia were great as well this week.
Rating 6.3/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 6
Action - 2
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 8
This episode wasn't quite as good as last week, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. I hope this isn't the last time we see young Kara, because the actress absolutely nailed the role. Brainiac and Nia were great as well this week.