Season 6 Episode 13 – Supergirl and the team race Nyxly for possession of a magical totem that controls courage; Lena struggles to make sense of her new-found gift.
What I Liked
1. As Supergirl activates the first totem, we’re taken back to the very first episode where she saves the plane from crashing. I put this on here because it reminds me of when the show was actually one of the best shows to watch.
2. Quite a strong scene for Nxyl. As she goes back to prove her courage from the totem, she emotionally breaks down as her father demands her brother escort her down to the dungeon. She explains to her brother she would never betray him like that, and in doing so she passed the test. A great scene all around.
What I Disliked
1. I don’t see the point in these totems. It just feels a rip-off from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It’s nearly the exact same as the fact these totems are hidden throughout time. It’s just not a story that interests me in this at all.
2. Andrea being a nightmare and tasking William to find the “Super Friends” is just outright cringe-now. Every single time she says it, I feel like Simon’s whipping his “friends” line out from the Inbetweeners. Catco used to be interesting, it’s now a waste of screen time.

3. I can’t even deal with the poor CGI, it’s constant at this point. As Brainiac touches the totem it radiates these purple beams into his eyes which causes him to turn into the Kryptonian Witch that, by the way, we’ve never heard of. The entire aspect of this scene is hot trash.
4. This Doctor Larr just creating a storm out of nothing because the totem made her “mad” is one of the worst arcs of a story I’ve ever seen. Another waste of time.
5. As the “super friends” show up to “stop” the storm after they give up the shard from the totem? I don’t even know anymore. Guardian shows up and is absolutely not needed for this part of the story. The CGI is awful again and is just a cheap way to drag out a poor storyline anyway.
6. Another heart-to-heart between Kelly and Alex. Pretty much nearly the exact same conversation we’ve already heard. We get it, we literally get it.
7. Lena explaining to Kara she’s a witch is a bit frustrating, keeping it from her considering we spent over 2 seasons of her complaining that Kara never told her that she was Supergirl.
Favourite Moment
J’onn and Alex’s eyes change blue and turn them weird. In the place where Nxyl attempted to wield the totem, all of the people around there start fighting each other. As a dragon appears, Alex heads straight in to incapacitate it, and J’onn just stands there throwing words of encouragement. It was pretty funny, I’ll have to admit that.
Standout Character
There isn’t a single character that stood out to me in this episode, and you know it’s poor when your opinion gets to this point. If I have to give it to anyone, I will give it to Nxyl just because her backstory was the most interesting out of the entire episode.
It now feels like this show has become an afterthought for The CW. I honestly expected a lot more given that this is the final season and so far it’s been so unimpressive. This episode reflects that in a major way. Everything about this episode was bad, there’s no denying that. I honestly want the 45 minutes I spent watching this back. I hate to drag a showdown but this is getting difficult to watch. My only excitement left for this is that it’s done in a couple of episodes.
Rating 3/10
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Story - 3
Action - 4
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 1
It now feels like this show has become an afterthought for The CW. I honestly expected a lot more given that this is the final season and so far it's been so unimpressive. This episode reflects that in a major way. Everything about this episode was bad, there's no denying that.