Season 6 Episode 19 – Supergirl and the super friends take drastic action after a loved one is kidnapped by Nyxly and Lex; an unlikely ally steps in to help the team.
What I Liked
1. Lex has made more of an impact in just a short space of time than Nxyly has done all season. The fact he murdered William, then threatened the Super Friends that if he doesn’t do as he wished then he will kill her. It’s this type of brutality from a villain that’s vastly needed. A good start so far.
2. Nxyly put Lex in his place especially when it comes to Esme. Even prior to anything to do with the love totem, Nxyly does seem to be quite protective of her. Lex mentions that he will just cut the totem out of her and Nxyly snapped with him and told him not to dare. It’s been the best start of the season so far.
3. Some brilliant acting from Chyler Leigh. You can see just how much she’s hurting after Esme was taken. The pain, the hurt, the emotions all around were very difficult to watch. I have a 2-year-old son and I couldn’t even imagine how I would be in that situation. Bravo all around.
4. The team comes up with an idea as Alex and Kelly head to the rendezvous point with Lex, they will all of the sun’s energy to power Kara making her SuperSuperSupergirl even with Lena’s doubts about the fact the sun will have no power for 6 months. I actually like the idea of this, I’d love to see how far a Kryptonian’s powers can truly go when supercharged.
5. After Lex’s mother showed up to manipulate Nxyly, it actually worked. She drastically turns against Lex in an entertaining way. She grabs Esme in order to take her home leaving Lex reeling in his anger and horrific emotions.
6. At the bridge, an unexpected twist as Nxyly sticks to her word. Totems for Esme. However, Lex shows up with his mother and blows up the bridge with most of the Super Friends on it. This is all it takes is for that one unexpected twist and it makes everything more entertaining. It’s something that’s been missing in Supergirl in recent years.
7. I always love a good Arrowverse speech. They tend to be pretty darn good and in this instance, it was Orlando standing on top of a bus motivating the people of National City as Supergirl looked on from a skyscraper. A solid way to end the episode in general.
What I Disliked
Despite getting alike, she’s now receiving a dislike. Alex showed up when Kara found the destiny totem, being incredibly selfish and doubtful of Kara’s ability to do the right thing…again. I get that she’s doing everything she can to get Esme back but this isn’t it.
Favourite Moment
A fantastic scene towards the end with a huge twist yet again. A huge fight breaks out between them, which results in a certain person being almost gravely injured. Lex and Nxyly continue the fight but Lex’s mother is in the care of the Super Friends. The entire scene was packed with action, some little edgy moments with the quality here and there but overall I am impressed.
Standout Character
Lex takes this for me just out of sheer brutality he showed especially when he’s the one that almost or pretty much gravely injured his own mother in pursuit of power. Lex has always shown his true nature whenever on screen and in this episode he did exactly that.
One of the better episodes of the season and built up a lot for the final ever episode of Supergirl. I am thankful The CW decided to release both episodes on the same day, I would have hated having to wait for the final episode.
Rating 8.9/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 7
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 8.5
One of the better episodes of the season and built up a lot for the final ever episode of Supergirl. I am thankful The CW decided to release both episodes on the same day, I would have hated having to wait for the final episode.