
Supergirl “Will the Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up?” Review

Season 4 Episode 20 “Kara and Lena head to Kaznia to hunt down Lex; Eve Tessmacher sets a trap that could ultimately reveal that Kara is Supergirl; Alex gets a long-awaited phone call; James practices using his powers; Ben Lockwood takes a dangerous stand inside the DEO.”

The Good & The Bad

The Good

1. This week started strong. Showing the after effects to the death of Ben’s wife, we see James at the Fortress of Solitude. I have been a massive fan of James since season 1, so seeing him embrace powers is something deep down I have wanted. We see him learning his powers, what he can and can’t handle, setting up a Guardian return. I miss the times when Guardian truly felt like a force, so I’m hoping this enhances that now he has powers.

2. Near the beginning of the episode, Alex gets a call from an adoption agency, making her aware her time is close with adopting a child. Throughout the episode, we see Alex gearing up preparing for the adoption. Asking irrelevant questions, overthinking, and genuinely stressing out over the situation. It’s a nice nod to those in real life adopting a child, as understandably it would be tough.

3. Kara and Lena travel to Kasnia to find out information on Lex. They come across everything, and for me, it’s about damn time. They find the footage, and photos of the Kasnian Supergirl, also along with plans of Kasnia to invade America. Both Kara, and Lena are teased multiple times by Eve, who has some sort of ability to clone herself. It got annoying at times, but nonetheless, we got Lena vs Eve, and Supergirl vs multiple Eve’s. Eve has begun showing through this season that she isn’t the type to just fall down, she’s actually a force to be reckoned with. Partnered with Lex’s tech, she’s becoming a real threat.

4. Sam Witwer is an incredible actor, and he’s played Ben Lockwood amazingly this season. This episode, the performance continues. After the death of his wife, he hunts for the alien female that killed his wife, while unaware he’s shunning his son out. He also gets his hands on the same serum James used to gain his powers, upon attempting to use it, Brainiac interrupts him.


Shortly after, Ben assembles a DEO Strike Team to hunt down his wifes murderer, and he leads the charge. After finding and arresting her, James, and Dreamer show up. Ben orders his team to arrest them, but his team stands down, forcing Ben to use the serum on himself. He got powers almost instantly, whereas James’ developed over time, a slight annoying touch but however this was a great scene, as he defeats Dreamer, James, and Brainiac. He gears up to kill them before being stopped by Martian Manhunter.

The Bad

1. Is Lena a moron? Seriously? HOW DOESN’T SHE KNOW KARA IS SUPERGIRL YET?! Like, my head hurts. Lena is meant to be a genius yet she’s an idiot. There’s so many clues, and it’s just so relevant that Supergirl ALWAYS shows up when Kara and Lena are together. Never mind this, queue my most hates scene this season…

2. Kara steps up to eventually tell Lena she’s Supergirl. Of course, coincidentally Lena goes into a whinge about integrity, forcing Kara to put her glasses back on behind her. Predictable after Lena starting moaning, and I wanted to throw my remote at my TV. She promises James at the end of the episode, that once this is all over, she will tell Lena.

If my best mate told me they had powers, I couldn’t care less about integrity. The amount of times Kara has saved Lena’s life, it’s ridiculous. It ruined the episode for me.

Holy Shit Moment

Martian Manhunter vs Ben Lockwood. A short moment, but we finally see the Martian Manhunter back again!! And what a return it was, lobbing Ben into a fuel tanker. Incredible.


Such a strong episode, but one major disappointing scene let the episode down. Some progression to most of our characters, and to the story. You can tell we’re gearing up for a strong end to the season, and I’m ready for it.


Rating: 8.1/10

Daniel Lewandowski

Founder, Director and co-owner of Only Comic Universe. Journalist specializing in the Arrowverse shows, and the MCU. Creator of the Only Comic Universe website.

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