Season 4 Episode 5 – Lois makes increasingly bold moves as she tries to stop Luthor. Jonathan struggles to balance his personal life and responsibilities, while Clark learns an unsettling truth.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Superman decides to confront Lex in the middle of the road in an attempt to plug his heartstrings a bit. His attempts are futile as Lex continues to explain he won’t stop despite Clark’s pleas. Imagine staring Superman in the face and not caring less, that’s bold.
2. Lois takes an interesting turn and heads to see Lex’s daughter, Elizabeth. She does what Clark did with Lex and attempts to almost guilt trip her into speaking to Lex. She’s rightly terrified of the thought of it but I appreciate Lois doing that because I would’ve done the same thing.
3. After Lois is successful in persuading Elizabeth to go to Smallville, she and Lex sit down and have a chat. I found this entire segment to be quite emotional. It’s clear how much Lex cares about his daughter, perhaps the only person he cares for. You can see the good in this iteration of Lex but you know there’s darkness harbored in there.
4. I knew eventually Lex would cave, even from Elizabeth in the sense of him wanting revenge but I wasn’t expecting that so quickly. Elizabeth lays the cards down and gives him an ultimatum but he decides ok revenge against Lois instead. This shows how powerful the feeling of revenge can be to people. This is exactly it, he’s deciding against his daughter and his soon-to-be grandson.
5. I’m surprised Lois managed to get through to Doomsday. This is interesting. I’m excited to see how this plays out for Lex considering his weapon is now AWOL. A great ending and a solid play from Lois.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
After Elizabeth leaves struggling to believe Lex, Clark steps in for the ultimate pep talk. I am a little surprised he did step in there, but I like this because I would’ve done the same again. Lex has a weapon in Doomsday that at the moment, appears unbeatable. It makes sense Clark would try everything he can do to stop this from getting any worse knowing he can’t win, not yet.
Standout Character
It has to be Lex in this. I think we saw a really different side to Lex that hasn’t been shown previously. We saw a man who cares so much for his daughter but cares about revenge more. This portrayal alone was brilliant and that’s why Lex stands out for me.
Another fantastic episode was only let down by the lack of action but it didn’t have a major impact on the episode itself. This truly showcases how much Lex wants revenge and how badly he values it as well. It’s terrifying but fascinating all at the same time.
Rating 9/10

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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 5
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Another fantastic episode was only let down by the lack of action but it didn't have a major impact on the episode itself. This truly showcases how much Lex wants revenge and how badly he values it as well. It's terrifying but fascinating all at the same time.