Season 3 Episode 11 – Clark helps Lois prepare for a procedure, but must leave the boys with her to help John Henry and General Lane track down the Mannheims; John Henry and Nat butt heads over her desire to help Matteo; Bruno’s plans go awry; Peia’s condition worsens.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I think that was the sweetest moment I’ve seen between Jonathon and Jordan. Jordan’s X-ray vision starts to come in and his body begins to panic uncontrollably to the point where he can’t feel like he can breathe. Jonathon is the one to sit down with him and talk him through it and it was a lovely moment between the pair.
2. Peia’s body is breaking down causing her powers to be erratic and uncontrollable causing mass destruction around her. Buildings are falling down and power is being cut out all around the city while Superman tries his best to get to her. Brilliant acting from Daya Vaidya.
3. Despite everything, Lois’ surgery was a success thus bringing an end to her cancer story.
4. Bruno agrees to tell the DEO everything if they can drop the charges against Matteo. He shows his respect for John Henry in this scene which was nice to see, it’s rare we get villains who had good intentions and take responsibility in the end.
5. Once again completely forgot about Bizarro hiding back there, but he’s awake and I think he will be a brilliant way to end this season!
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
Extremely sad scenes hitting our screens tonight as Superman tells Peia it’s okay to let go, and that her son and husband wouldn’t want her to suffer. Superman takes her up into the sky where we see an explosion before he then brings her back down to Bruno and Matteo. Sadly Peia passed away after the cure didn’t work which was extremely tough to watch but again, a brilliantly done scene. Well played to the actors as I can’t imagine this was an easy one.
Standout Character
Peia is going to take the standout this week. Her story has been a rollercoaster throughout but at the end of it all, she was just a woman who didn’t want to leave her Husband and Son behind. Well played to Daya Vaidya for taking on this character and the story.
A much better episode this week. The story finally came full circle, bringing an end to Bruno and Peia, however, it looks like now we have Bizarro coming back to end this season which will be no doubt amazing!
Rating 9.6/10
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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
A much better episode this week. The story finally came full circle, bringing an end to Bruno and Peia, however, it looks like now we have Bizarro coming back to end this season which will be no doubt amazing!