Season 3 Episode 5 – Clark and General Lane both have a hard time giving Lois room to make her own decisions; Lana and Sarah have a run-in with an old friend at the diner; Natalie has a surprise visitor.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Sam has honestly become one of my favorite characters. His protective nature towards his family just hits me every time and now he’s also becoming protective towards Natalie. I just love how much he cares, however, his concerns about Mateo are valid and Sam is usually right.
2. Clark sitting in the hospital with the women receiving their chemotherapy was a very very tough watch. Hearing of how one of their daughters died broke my heart. Stories like this can hit home for a lot of people but I’m still glad they’re doing it, it really can happen to anyone.
3. I’m glad we’re finally getting a clearer picture of what Bruno Mannheim is up to. This season has felt a bit all over the place in regards to him as there’s been no indication as to what his plans are.
4. Kyle starting off that dance was brilliant, we always love a good dance scene in any of the series we watch to add a touch of lightheartedness to the show.
5. A nice little fight scene there from Superman, there wasn’t too much to comment on but considering it’s his show it’s only fair we get something from the guy himself. It also gave us more insight as we see one of Bruno Mannheims men transfer all the data from the DoD.
6. After Lois has to drop out of the dance after her Chemo session, the family pulls together and gives her a small dance of her own with them. It was very sweet to watch.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favorite Moment
Wow, what an ending I wasn’t expecting that at all. Certainly seems Bruno Mannheim has a very large plan up his sleeve as we see Bizarro strapped down but seemingly alive again. Bizarro was a great part of the Superman story so I won’t be mad about his return.
Standout Character
I think I will give this week to Bruno Mannheim. Purely because up until this episode I have felt like he was going to be a pretty boring villain I’m not going to lie. But after seeing what he’s doing and bringing Bizzarro back, he’s getting more and more interesting as the series goes on.
A great episode this week, I feel more clear on the direction this season is heading in and I’m sure it’s only going to get better.
Rating 9.3/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9.5
Quality - 10
A great episode this week, I feel more clear on the direction this season is heading in and I’m sure it’s only going to get better.