Season 1 Episode 15 – Superman’s worst nightmare comes to life, and Lois confronts Leslie Larr; Lana, Kyle and Sarah agree to stay to help General Lane.
What I Liked
1. After Jordan has been taken by Morgan, the episode starts with everyone just in disbelief, especially John. It was just a quick subtle scene but you can tell by his look that he feels exactly how Clark and Lois are feeling, even telling his AI to not stop searching.
2. One of the characters that I’ve actually liked the last couple of episodes is Kyle, especially considering I hated the character in the opening episodes. After he helps Sam out of the car and into a sling, he agrees with Lana and Sarah to stay and help, instead of leaving Smallville.
3. I love it when a show just throws the impossibility forward, meaning a hero has their backs against the wall in such a massive way. Morgan Edge becoming The Eradicator means he can resurrect Kryptonian’s at a moment’s notice without even breaking a sweat. John’s offensive failed and Superman was in a difficult spot trying not to fight Jordan.
4. Superman and Steel head to where the newly formed Kryptonian’s are and an incredible battle happens. They literally just manhandle the soldiers-turned-Kryptonians. John manages to secure Jordan so that Clark can remain and finish the fight. Just a truly exceptional scene.
5. Kyle continues to be a hero. As Morgan Edge begins to lay waste to Smallville, Kyle and his family begin helping the citizens. Even rushing into a burning building to help a lady who’s trapped. Another fantastic moment.
6. Steel’s suit is almost out of power, but manages to save Superman from the Kryptonian’s hanging onto him. He uses the rest of his power to get into position in order for Clark to intercept Morgan, and he throws the axe. Morgan’s taken down, and as John is falling from the atmosphere, Superman manages to save him. I am so glad John survived, I was kind of expecting him to die with how the flashback scenes hit. He’s been an amazing character this season.
7. A little subtle moment from episode 1. Jon is at a little get-together with his school friends and they’re playing Injustice 2, even one of them was controlling Superman. It’s subtle, but it’s brilliant.
8. I can understand John not wanting to stick around. He talks with Lois and his reasoning is obvious. On his planet his wife was Lois. So imagine having to watch someone who pretty much is your wife be happy with someone else. I get it. I just hope that he’s still around next season.
9. Near the end of the episode, it sounds as though an immediate threat is heading towards the house, but in a twist it turns out it’s John’s daughter who’s managed to find him. The music does switch which seems to suggest otherwise, but as his daughter glances over at Lois, you can tell it gets uncomfortable.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Lois enters Jordan’s mind in order to help him overcome Zeta-Rho, and her enthusiasm, strive and determination helps him as he’s stuck struggling. The moments continue and Elizabeth Tulloch deserves an Oscar for that performance!
Standout Character
I am going to have to give this to Lois. From the very beginning, she was perfect, and as mentioned in the favourite moment, Elizabeth Tulloch deserves so many awards for her acting. From the beginning of the episode to the scenes with Jordan, all the way through to buying half of the Gazette, she was perfect.
A masterpiece of a finale, that’s pretty much that in a nutshell. The show has done barely any wrong all season and the finale capped off what has been a near-perfect series so far. The CW should be proud of what they’ve achieved with the show, and I hope this continues into next season.
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
A masterpiece of a finale, that's pretty much that in a nutshell. The show has done barely any wrong all season and the finale capped off what has been a near-perfect series so far. The CW should be proud of what they've achieved with the show, and I hope this continues into next season.