Season 3 Episode 6 – Clark finds himself in uncharted territory; Lois bonds with a new friend; Superman pays Bruno Mannheim a surprise visit; Lana puts Sarah in charge while she’s away at a meeting with Chrissy.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. A very hard watch for the first scene in this episode as we see Clark join a support group where they all talk about their loved ones with cancer. They are doing really well with this storyline not only shining a light on how it is for those suffering from cancer but also for their loved ones and how it can affect them.
2. Jonathan reaching out to Sophie was a very very sweet moment. It’s nice to also hear Jonathan talk about his feelings I have always said I felt bad that he was a little bit left out since Jordan got his powers. But I certainly think Jonathon has massively come into his own and held up really well as a character without powers.
3. Hearing Clark talk about Lois at the support group truly was yet again heart-wrenching to watch. Hearing about his fears of losing her and how hard he’s trying to keep it together is something I’m sure a lot of viewers can relate to or have related to once before.
4. Truly didn’t see that reveal coming at the very end of the episode. Onomatopoeia was finally unmasked and it turns out to be Peia, who we have seen over the past few episodes receiving cancer treatment and we saw in this episode having lunch with Lois.
What I Disliked
1. Very disappointed watching that scene with Clark training Jordan. I was really looking forward to a fantastic moment between them while Jordan learns to control his powers but this wasn’t the case since Jordan decided to twist and whinge about it. Clark was completely correct and you’d think by this point Jordan would know this after everything they’ve seen so it’s ridiculous for him to think Clark is taking it over the top.
2. Lana and Kyle really need to get a grip because it’s completely unnecessary drama in this kind of show. It’s gone on long enough now.
3. This episode has been pretty boring in all honestly and a lot of bickering between characters as well which is becoming irritating.
Favorite Moment
After a pretty poor episode, we finally got a decent action scene toward the end. Clark was tricked by some of Bruno Mannheims people, believing he was away to save Lois was actually a trap and he wasn’t exactly winning until Jordan showed up to lend a hand. Jordan was shot with Kryptonite forcing Clark to step up his game and take Onomatopoeia down in the process. Thankfully it doesn’t seem that kryptonite has the same effect on Jordan as it does on Clark.
Standout Character
Clark is taking standout today, the show heavily focused on his struggles throughout Lois’ cancer battle whilst also trying to train Jordan, be a parent, and Superman all at the same time.
A pretty boring episode in all honestly. The only thing that has changed in the story moving forward is that Onomatopoeia has now been unmasked. Aside from that there’s not really been anything else that’s made an impact on the story.
Rating 5.4/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 6
Action - 5
Characters - 4
Entertainment - 4
Quality - 8
A pretty boring episode in all honestly. The only thing that has changed in the story moving forward is that Onomatopoeia has now been unmasked. Aside from that there’s not really been anything else that’s made an impact on the story.