Season 1 Episode 5 – As Smallville celebrates its first Harvest Festival since Martha’s passing, Clark is reminded what his mother meant to him; Lois makes a breakthrough in the investigation of Morgan Edge; Kyle tries to reconnect with Lana.
What I Liked
1. I love how optimistic Clark is with the Harvest Festival. He’s literally so excited and it’s just nice to see it come from a Superman, and actually looking forward to something he’s been involved in traditionally for years.
2. Sharon’s son Derek returns after being missing. It’s blatantly obvious at this point that something is off, despite the pair claiming everything is okay. Turns out, after struggling with his pain, he has heat vision and tears through the building.
3. Clark shows up to help Kyle who’s struggling to get the other firefighter out of the building, he doesn’t even suit up and just frost breaths the entire place to put the fire out. A great scene in general.
4. It’s now showing us that Derek is in fact with Larr, and he goes to her after decimated the building. It turns out, the pair have been working on his powers, and she’s been helping him with them as well.
5. It’s now Superman vs Derek, and perhaps the most exciting the episode has got so far. With Lex hot on their tail, it’s getting interesting, especially considering Derek has the same powers as Superman. Lex intercepts them and hits them with a nasty missile that knocks them both to the ground, causing Derek to just disintegrate into nothing.
6. Jon apologises to Clark which is needed. I also absolutely loved Clark’s response to the apology, offering advice and just generally being a fantastic father. I just hope one day if my son goes through this, I can also help him in the same way, like my dad never did. So, personally, this scene reflected a lot of me hence the reason why I liked it so much.
7. A touching scene from Smallville. In front of everyone, they memorialise a bench in Martha Kane’s name. It was just beautiful, and emotional as well.
8. Everything is just coming at once towards the end of the episode. Tag just comes out nowhere and spears Jordan after he’s “friend-zoned” by Sarah. Tag demands to know what was done to him whilst pummelling Jordan to the ground. It had to end here, didn’t it?
What I Disliked
1. It wouldn’t be Superman and Lois without one of the kids having a tantrum, would it? I get it, to be honest, you know breakups do suck and Jon is going through a lot, but I just wish they wrote it in more of an emotional aspect and not an anger side. It’s just getting repetitive that both the kids take it out on their Dad constantly.
2. I have to put this here, I’m not a fan of younger Clark. I’m not sure why, I think the actor is great but he just doesn’t look anything like a younger Tyler at all or plays Clark well. I’m just not a fan of this and it’s very tough to watch.
3. The Lana scene annoyed me. I’m not going to lie and I actually side with Kyle on that. His best friend is close to or is suffering from severe lung damage, of course, he has every right to be upset. However, instead of Lana being a supportive wife, she goes at him because he had a couple of drinks and she doesn’t want to be late for the festival. Going through something like that is traumatic, especially when it’s a best friend. So, despite her reasoning for being like that, I didn’t like this at all.
4. Jon shows up and ruins Jordan and Sarah’s date, simply typical at this point, and also very difficult to watch.
Favourite Moment
Well, this Lex aspect took a massive turn. It actually turns out that Lex and Lois were together in his time or universe. It seemingly looks like, despite Superman annihilating his world, it would seem there’s also a jealousy part to it as well.
Standout Character
Honestly, I’ve never sat here and thought that not a single character stood out for me this episode, however, as it’s the rules I have to give it to a character I feel stood out above the rest and it was Clark. The Dad moments, the fight against Derek, and also at the very beginning stopping the fire.
Perhaps on the weaker side of the season so far, but in a sense that is okay. The episode did set a lot of things up going forward which is only a positive in itself. The episode was hit and miss in regards to a lot, but one thing is for sure, we are going to miss it for the next number of weeks.
Rating 7.8/10
Promo For Next Episode(s)
Story - 8
Action - 7
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 9
Perhaps on the weaker side of the season so far, but in a sense that is okay. The episode did set a lot of things up going forward which is only a positive in itself. The episode was hit and miss in regards to a lot, but one thing is for sure, we are going to miss it for the next number of weeks.