Season 3 Episode 9 – Superman and John Henry clash over how to handle Bruno Mannheim; Lois worries over upcoming treatments and confides in Lana about her early courtship with Clark.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Took a while for something remotely interesting to happen in this episode, non the less seeing John Henry so quick to jump into action was brilliant. He didn’t even take a moment to think as soon as he saw Bruno’s men he was ready for it. He got the upper hand pretty quick after pulling out a baton and they sharp took off.
2. Lois’ story has been heartbreaking throughout, but her reaction to her surgery coming up truly is hard to watch. It’s something many women go through in this life but well played to the actress on such a tough storyline.
3. I’m quite enjoying seeing the difference in opinion between John Henry and Clark. I completely get both sides so it’s such a tricky one, I get why Clark is trying to reason with Bruno and appeal to his emotions but Bruno has messed with John Henry a few too many times.
4. John Henry has officially snapped and honestly it makes for good tv! I don’t agree with all of his actions lately but when you’ve got someone who can match Superman’s strength and powers coming at you to kill you, 100% you do what you can.
5. Bruno Mannheim has managed to change Bizarro into a regular copy of Superman in order to get a cure for Peia. Definitely interesting and I didn’t see it going down that route.
6. Clark’s support for Lois has been amazing, and seeing them both get dressed up to fly and dance in the sky was such a sweet way to end the episode.
What I Disliked
1. It feels like they’re completely going off track with all the teenagers in this show. It’s focusing on the completely wrong things for them. Like Matteo and Natalie really declaring their love for one another after one date, seriously?? Come on man.
2. I hate that everyone is completely against John Henry. Some of his actions are questionable yes, but you have a guy who’s trying to kill you and your family, sending people with superpowers to do it, you do what you have to do in order to live and get completely penalized for it.
Favorite Moment
One of Bruno’s experiments has been sent to yet again attack John Henry, unfortunately, this time he doesn’t get the upper hand as he doesn’t have his suit to protect him, thankfully Superman is there to step in and it’s about time we got some good action from him. This was the first proper Superman fight we have seen all season! However, this fight scene took a completely drastic turn after John Henry kill’s the guy Bruno had sent. Didn’t see that coming at all!
Standout Character
Gonna give this week’s standout to John Henry. His character has really lacked this season so it’s great to see him take the spotlight for a bit. I personally love how reckless he is getting because let’s be honest, it can make things interesting.
A slow start to the episode but it did pick up after. Lois’ story once again really pulls at viewer’s heartstrings and seeing John Henry go off the rails is making for good tv!
Rating 8.1/10
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The Review
Story - 7
Action - 9
Characters - 7
Entertainment - 7.5
Quality - 10
A slow start to the episode but it did pick up after. Lois’ story once again really pulls at viewer's heartstrings and seeing John Henry go off the rails is making for good tv!