Season 1 Episode 3 – Clark shares some of his Kryptonian history with Jordan and Jonathan during a family breakfast; Lois and Chrissy dig deeper to uncover the truth about Morgan Edge.
What I Liked
1. A good start to the episode, especially the family moment where they begin painting each other. A bridge is mid-collapse in China and the reason I like this is we just plain and simple get to see Superman do Superman things, without all the unnecessary stuff that always gets involved. It was just him saving the day quickly, I like it.
2. I do feel sorry for Jordan, it must suck for him being bullied so relentlessly, but having the power to fight back and stop it right there, but due to his Dad being Superman he can’t. It also seems his powers are triggered by anger or extreme emotional responses. I do kind of want him to just at least drop the bully, for his own sake. A lot of us have been bullied before so this would be a sweet moment.
3. Jordan is literally trying out for the football team. The fact he’s literally doing it fully knowing he’s got powers is hilarious, and it’s making a solid statement that’s for sure. Obviously, he doesn’t struggle and manages to wipe them all out one by one, it’s just brilliant. It really is. What a way to get back at a bully than humiliating them.
4. I think it’s pretty obvious Lois is getting close. After a potential source enters into the Gazette and explains her missing son was a result of Morgan, her car ends up on fire outside.
5. Jordan and Jon have a heated moment, which is kind of fair from Jon’s side. At the end of the day, Jordan made his point, so I stand with Jon on this that he should just stop. So, I did like the fact that Jon is still standing his ground to protect his brother.
6. After a one vs one with Sean on the football field, Jordan absolutely wiped him out, and then apologised for kissing Sarah. I also liked the fact that Clark was on the sidelines watching and waiting.
7. Jon making a point to his father that maybe Jordan should be playing football, and honestly I agree. The tantrums are getting annoying, so this would be good for him at the very least and it would be interesting to see. I say that purely because most superheroes have this thing where they don’t compete because of their powers, but the idea of Jordan doing it anyway would be great.
8. A very emotional scene between Lana and Sarah. I feel like this is more emotional for me because I resonated with that scene. Back in 2013, I tried to end my life and never opened up until a year ago, and I did the same thing Sarah was doing in pushing her family away. That hit me hard and it was fantastic acting from both sides and a great scene, well needed as well.
9. Clark is the assistant coach, and that was a funny scene between him and the coach. There isn’t more to say but it was a scene that made me laugh. A really nice bonding moment between Clark and Jordan afterwards as well which is amazing to see.
What I Disliked
These tantrums are getting slightly annoying I’m not going to lie. It feels like no matter what Clark does or say, it results in one of either of the brothers screaming in his face. I understood it originally, but it’s getting old, fast.
Favourite Moment
This literally made me stand up, no joke. As the seen man earlier when Lois’ car was torched, he attacks Lois. She stabs him in the ear with a pen, but nonetheless, she activates the Superman device and Clark shows up not even a second later. A FANTASTIC fight scene where after Superman gets beat down, he then gets up and manhandles the guy. What a scene, what a fight! This truly cements Tyler’s place as a FANTASTIC Superman for me.
Standout Character
I think this one is obvious and it’s Superman himself this week. The fight scene, the saving the bridge moment, the ending with his kids was just perfect. I feel like every move Clark did this week was perfect, and therefore thoroughly deserving of the standout.
Superman & Lois continues to prove that with the right writing and direction from the showrunners and producers, they can do wonders and this show is proving they have the power to do so. It continues to excel in many different incredible ways, and it’s been quite some time that a CW show has me excited for the next episode.
Rating 9.9/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 9.7
Entertainment - 10
Superman & Lois continues to prove that with the right writing and direction from the showrunners and producers, they can do wonders and this show is proving they have the power to do so. It continues to excel in many different incredible ways, and it's been quite some time that a CW show has me excited for the next episode.