Season 2 Episode 14 – Superman is rendered powerless by Ally’s attack, and the others rally as the two Earths merge.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Sam has become such a well-liked character. I’ve put this in my likes before, he has become such a selfless and caring family man, something we never expected to see. Him telling Superman he shouldn’t have saved him massively proved how much he has changed.
2. A great moment from Jordan there as he hears something emerging from the sky and immediately acts by getting Jonathon in the house and moving Clark out of harm’s way. His reaction was so quick it was impressive!
3. Amazing scene from Lana and superman. As Lana gives her speech to tell the town what has been happening, they make a complete mockery of her, until Superman steps in to back her up. I’m glad the whole “we’re staying away from you for a while” isn’t working out that way because it would’ve been a shame if they’d continued with that.
4. Finaaaally Sarah officially knows about Jordan. Possibly the quickest moment in history as Lana’s other self shows up and Jordan has no choice but to act fast. But his face, her face, the scene was just such a moment.
Emotional scenes as John can’t be located and Natalie believes him to be dead. It’s unlikely that he is, I can’t imagine they’d kill him off off-screen but the emotion from Natalie is real. To realize she may never see her Dad again but also realize she has another family there to help her through it if that’s the case was very moving.
5. Honestly I expected Ally to be defeated before she could get anywhere with her plan but I love that they’re not doing it this way. We’re officially seeing the two worlds become emerged as we see the red sun appear on earth and towards the end of the episode begin seeing people’s homes changing into the homes they had on the Bizarro world.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
What a fight scene. Honestly so much went on here I’m going to struggle to find the words. We had Jordan vs Lana, Jordan vs Jonathon, and then Jordan and Natalie vs Jonathon and Lana. Everything about this was incredible. I can’t deny I was so badly hoping for Earth Jonathon to step in and realize he has powers but the moment was amazing without it anyways.
Standout Character
I think I will give a standout to Jonathon this week. Every moment he had was great, seeing his powers advance so quickly, seeing him use them so well, and his quick reactions were all great to see. Well played to the character!
This week’s episode was incredible and yet Superman didn’t even have his powers. I love how this show can stand well even when Superman can’t be in the spotlight, it definitely shows how amazing the supporting characters are and the writers. Well played, I can’t wait for next week!
Rating 10/10
Promo For Next Episode

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
This week's episode was incredible and yet Superman didn’t even have his powers. I love how this show can stand well even when Superman can’t be in the spotlight, it definitely shows how amazing the supporting characters are and the writers. Well played, I can’t wait for next week!