Season 1 episode 4 “Swamp Thing senses a growing darkness within the swamp and starts to understand his role in the struggle for balance between growth and decay; Abby must accept that the things she has witnessed in Marais are evidence of supernatural forces at play.”
What Was Good?
1. As this weeks episode kicks off, we see Avery drag the banker into the woodlands of the swamp, and seemingly see flashbacks of Avery with his father? Holding down a crocodile/alligator telling him to stab his eyes out. All while setting a shallow grave set on fire for the banker. A deep start, considering we see Avery was introduced to violence at such an early age.
2. Also at the start, Todd and a friend are out in the swamp and are jumped by a corpse. The corpse manages to bite Todd leaving him a nasty wound. Fast forward to his shift, he begins to hallucinate as Liz and her father watch on. He envisions a snake wrapped around his arm, then begins slicing and stabbing his arm, then throwing it in what looks like a sink, losing pretty much all his hand. After he goes down he scratches Liz’s father before falling unconscious or probably died. A disturbing, and graphic scene which continues to show the rating of Swamp Thing.
Shortly after, Liz, her father and Abby are in the pub when he seems like Liz’s father takes a deep turn. I also understand when they’re scratched, they relive their greatest fears. He also scratches, Lucilia, a police woman who attends on scene.
Then queue her fear. She sees Matt, the police officer being stabbed in front of a group of people as she tries to save him. Of course we know it’s not actually happening. Abby intervenes and travels back to the swamp to see Alec.
3. The relationship between Swamp Thing and Abby begins to connect. Abby investigates what happens to Alec’s DNA with the help of Jason. Alec asks Abby to share her findings with him, while warning her to be careful coming back as he senses danger.
What Was Bad?
1. My only bad so far with the season, and while it’s not a great annoyance is the lack of the main villain so far. After 4 episodes we have no idea where it’s heading on that front. Last episode I thought it may have been the guy he killed but it seems not. I hope we get to finally see the main villain soon.
2. The intensity between Maria and Avery last episode with the money seems to have just, well, vanished. After the ending from last week it seems as if that moment never actually happened, and hasn’t even been addressed at all during this episode. Then even buys Susie from Lee. How’s he got that money now? Have I missed something? I get the reason Avery did it, but it just confused me.
Holy Shit Moment
After Abby travels back to the swamp after the Lucilia incident, she is met by the darkness and her fear commences. However, it turns out in her end she’s being choked by a guy, but it’s actually Alec holding her, taking the darkness from her. This scene was deep. It shows the compassion from Alec, his emotional state of how much her cares for Abby. He struggles with the darkness, like everyone else did. He crawls his way back to the corpse from the start, in what looks like he put the darkness back.
The Verdict
While possibly the weakest episode of the series so far, it still maintained what was brilliant about Swamp Thing. Off-topic slightly, with no real direction to the story. It still showed the emotional state of Alec, while showing how much he really does care about Abby.
Rating: 8/10
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