Season 1 episode 8 “After a harrowing journey of survival through the swamp, Avery comes face to face with Swamp Thing, who rescues the injured man; after recovering, Avery vows to return with Woodrue to help find a cure, but they may not be able to be trusted.”
What Was Good?
1. It took a while this week to get into the first good. We see Avery survive, and we also see Abby return to Atlanta to a new boss. Avery is struggling in the swamp after being shot in the leg by a shotgun, unable to really move far. He looks to be seeing things, and completely incapable of seeing things clearly or think straight. Avery continues, well, continues to try and move through the swamp, but comes across another vision. Avery stumbles across his younger self, and his father cutting down a tree, things take a quick turn to the worse when Avery begs his father to stop, he doesn’t, then the swamp drags him and plants him on top of a fire. Brutal scene.
Then Alec shows up, standing tall and hovering over Avery. 2. After 20 minutes of nothing interesting. We finally get to a very curious scene. Swamp Thing saves Avery, but not without consequence. It’s one of the scenes I’ve been waiting for since I found out Avery was the individual that ordered the hit on Alec, and it was everything I wanted, bitter sweet, karma, it was beautiful. Seeing Avery curled up, frightened, scared, is glorious. Swamp Thing is just an absolute beast. In this conversation, he explains more about the darkness. I like the fact we’re getting more information on the darkness. I’m going to assume this is the villain of the series.
3. At this point in the episode you actually genuinely feel sorry for Avery. Avery explains to Alec he has Jason, and he can help him become human again. Alec allows Avery to leave by bringing a boat to him, but disappears after. You can sense the gratitude from Avery, but in the depths of it, you just have a feeling he’s got something incredibly sinister up his sleeve.
4. And there it is. While hesistant, Jason pushes Avery into bringing Alec in for study. More so the regenerative cells to cure diseases and illnesses across the globe. While doing so becoming the most popular billionaire in the world. Both Jason, and Avery head out to the swamp, and lie to Alec about making him a normal man again…
Queue the Holy Shit Moment.
What Was Bad?
The episode starts off with Avery surviving, but there was not much going on at all during the first 20 minutes. Jason is told he will have a new lab for his research. Nothing with Maria, Abby is back in Atlanta with Harlan. It just started off with a massive meh, especially considering how the last episode left off. While it definitely built itself back up towards the final half, the beginning was just so uninteresting.
Holy Shit Moment
A squadron shows up and circles Alec, hitting him with some type of Mr Freeze guns. He just throws them all around, and kills one when he gets mad, until Avery fires three shotgun shots into Alec, immobilizing him. The squad continue going Captain Cold on him, and freeze him completely. After this Abby shows up, but the episode ends. Incredible ending to a very poor start.
Star Character
Avery Sunderland played by Will Patton delivered a spectacle this episode. He was the stand out of the episode, everything about him is intriguing.
The Verdict
With an extremely uninteresting, and slow start. The episode completely turned itself around in the final half, ending on a massive cliffhanger. Even with the slow start, the episode ended on a huge high, and after eight episodes now, Swamp Thing is still some of the best DC television we have had in years.
Rating: 9/10

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