Season 1 episode 2 “Abby and Matt follow one of her patients into the swamp, where Abby encounters Swamp Thing; Alec struggles to understand his metamorphosis into the monstrous, plant-based creature, Swamp Thing.”
What Was Good?
1. Understanding the childs disease was one of my annoyances as I was beyond confused what was happening to her. It seems like the child has a connection to Alec. She then speaks to Dr. Edwards about how Alec is scared, not understanding what’s happening to him, and how she needs to go to him.
2. Damn jump scares. As Abby is sleeping, what seems to be Shawna? Comes out of nowhere and grabs her arm, I nearly had a heart attack. It was just a vision from Abby, but jump scares for me, are NOT okay. However, this entire ark is incredibly interesting. 3. Maria goes to a fortune teller type woman to gain a connection to Shawna. The fortune teller clearly anxious about the entire ordeal performs it anyway. The same vision Abby saw appears, and then throws both woman across the room. We then find out “it’s dark, quick, and it’s growing.”
4. Maria sleeping next to her dead daughter? Well, this was a creepy 10 second scene. This entire story is interesting and raises a lot of questions. Is it Shawna? Is this the main villain? I’m sure they will be answered in the coming episodes.
5. Abby and Alec finally go face to face. I got slightly irritating as Abby pulls Susie away from Swamp Thing, he doesn’t say anything. However, Susie tells Abby the “creature” spoke to her, confirming his name. The episode then ends. This just got a whole lot more interesting.
What Was Bad?
My only bad for this week would be the boring start. This doesn’t take anything away from the overall rating of the episode, I was just bored until Maria went to the fortune teller.
Holy Shit Moment
As the young girl is hidden in a police boat, they approach two guys dropping those cases into the swamp. As the cop approaches, one of the weird guys throws a hook through his cheek and pulls it, killing him in such a brutal way. As he takes the police boat with the child inside, she dives into the swamp. As Alec is waking up, you can feel he’s sensing the connection to the child. As he corners the child, Alec shows up. Holland recieves multiple stab wounds, after which he gets angry and the swamp grabs him, and pulls him apart with his limbs. Gruesome!
The Verdict
An incredible episode after the Pilot. Swamp Thing is shaping up to be one of the best new DC shows. It continued it’s dark, eerie setting, and gave us arks that got me curious throughout the episode. It’s a shame this is ending after this season, because this series is incredibly interesting.
Rating: 9.5/10
Swamp Thing — Ep.101 — “Pilot” — Photo Credit: Brownie Harris / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved