I recently wrote an article about my issues with The Acolyte. You can read this here. I wanted to initially add a quote into Phil’s review for the 5th episode as I felt the article’s timing was off. I then realized it wasn’t.
It wasn’t because I still stand by the first 4 episodes. They weren’t great. The 5th though was a 10/10 episode. It had everything I wanted from a Star Wars show. It now needs to kick on from that episode fully.
The Acolyte has been smashed with controversy by fans who continue to review bomb the show. However, the 5th has turned heads. Even my younger brother had no interest in the show due to the backlash but due to how well the 5th episode was received, he’s now going to binge to catch up.
The show must go full steam ahead and explore this brand-new villain. We need to see this go from 0 to 100 to 1,000. Despite how fantastic that episode was, there’s still a lot of work to do to get the fans back onside again.
The issue I have at times with shows when the villain is interesting is they don’t show them enough. The Original trilogy did this to an extent with Darth Vader. I want to see who the villain is and what the deal is considering the Sith are supposed to be extinct.
We know Palpatine was born in 82 BBY so considering when The Acolyte is set, it means we’re not far from the birth of Sheev. This then ties into Darth Plagueis.
Plagueis is surprisingly popular considering he’s never been seen before in live-action, we’ve all heard the tragedy story so we’re familiar with who he is. This show needs to particularly address this because as of right now, the show is somewhat out of canon.
I do believe the execs will circle this show and tie it in with what we know in the Skywalker era. I have faith anyway. That’s what needs to be done now because these are the moments we live for as Star Wars fans. You can hate the show and that’s okay but in that last episode, the combat alone was worth every second of it.