So a couple of weeks ago we had a major bombshell dropped on our laps from seemingly out of nowhere.
Ruby Rose has decided not to reprise her role as the iconic character in the DC world Kate Kane AKA Batwoman.
Fair enough but this announcement came a short few weeks after the announcement of a Season 2 renewal. Ruby, however, has spoken a little bit about her decision but hasn’t truly given a good and worthy explanation to the fans of the character.

Many people have given their theories as to why she’s decided not to reprise her role such as hate, bullying, relationships, and more.
The past couple of days we’ve also been told about the supposed decision heading into the new season and I believe this will hurt the show badly and could even lead to the show’s ultimate cancellation at the end of season 2.
The plans are that they will create a whole new character made purely for the show. It’s someone that’s not part of DC lore and has never been involved in Batwoman’s history.
There has been a recent casting call with the casting name “Ryan Wilder” with a brief description of the character, an openly lesbian character, had trouble with GCPD, etc.
Now the name “Ryan Wilder” will obviously be a code-name, but if this is in fact a brand new character to take on the mantle of Batwoman, what does this do with the show and season 1?
What happens to the established relationships with Luke Fox, Kates’s father? What motivations do Alice and Hush have going forward now? This will all be factors going into the new season and if done wrong, could ruin the show’s potential.
Ruby choosing not to return to the role has been such a bad decision, I loved Ruby throughout season 1 but if she knew she wasn’t willing to return, this role could of went to someone who actually would of put the time and effort into it.
I believe Ruby needs to come out with an explanation as to why, the fans of the character, the fans of the comics, the fans of the show, and fans of Ruby are all owed a reason as to why.