Season 1 Episode 2 – Boba Fett faces new challengers on Tatooine.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
Boba and Fennec have control of one of the assassins that tried to kill them last episode. What I love here is that the assassin is so arrogant that he will not speak, so they decide to drop him down the same hole Jabba used to use. The assassin is so petrified but we know that Luke killed this monster. It’s a good throwback to Return of the Jedi. Turns out it was the mayor who sent the assassins after them as well.
Jabba’s twin cousins decide to make an entrance with what looks like a Wookiee warrior. They also want to claim to Mos Espa. Boba stands firmly in place which was actually a pretty great showdown. The twins retreat quickly but we know fine well this isn’t over. I hated the Jabba character so I’m hoping Boba destroys those two.
It’s back to the flashback scenes now, we get to see Boba now training with the Sand people, using the same weapon he used in The Mandalorian. I do love how this is all tying together now, more so how he got to where he is today. It’s definitely more interesting than the main plot at the moment for me.
We once again see Boba somewhat show his trust to the sand people. This time as a train is going by, there are shooters on it then manage to kill multiple sand people. Boba managed to save two of them by pulling them back. This results in the sand people actually giving him a rifle and “stick” to take down the people who were operating the speeder bikes.
A fantastic Mando moment! He approaches the bar where the riders are and destroys them all one by one. The way in which he brutally does so is amazing, especially that you see he was using the training he was taught earlier in the episode. He then just straight-up steals the speeder bikes which is brilliant. What a scene.
A touching scene follows after he brings the bikes back. We know the sand people aren’t known for using bikes or really anything that moves quickly. Boba decides to teach them how to use the bikes so they can stop the train as it’s incredibly fast-moving. It just shows their relationship has grown exponentially, it’s great to see. It’s two shows that have shown the sand people aren’t THAT bad.
Another touching scene. Boba seems to be inducted into the Tusken Raiders. He’s given new robes and sent on a quest to get a new branch which is the weapon he still has now. They help him forge that branch into the weapon and it’s an incredible scene.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
The entire train scene was a masterpiece. Literally perfect. Even the warrior Tusken makes a show to help out and it’s just so incredibly well done. The way in which everyone played their part, the intensity, the brutality, it was fantastic. It just shows even more how much of a badass Boba Fett truly is.
Standout Character
It’s Boba Fett again. I think it’s safe to say he’s probably going to nail this every episode but in this week again he was fantastic. His idealogy to help those who help him is astonishing, even when it comes to such lost causes as the Tusken Raiders. I also love the fact he didn’t even flinch when Jabba’s cousin came rolling around the corner.
A perfect episode this week with half and half elements. The first half was about the current timeline, his new throne, and what he’s got to come up against and the other half were flashback scenes. I still love that we’re seeing just what he was up to after the events of the Sarlacc Pit. It’s definitely been needed ever since Return of the Jedi came out.
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
A perfect episode this week with half and half elements. The first half was about the current timeline, his new throne, and what he's got to come up against and the other half were flashback scenes. I still love that we're seeing just what he was up to after the events of the Sarlacc Pit. It's definitely been needed ever since Return of the Jedi came out.