Season 1 Episode 5 – “An unexpected ally emerges.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. The episode opens up with The Mandalorian making his presence known in a butcher factory. He’s following a tracking fob and he’s here to collect. Mando begins using the Dark saber to protect himself. This opening scene was absolutely glorious.
2. The Armor explains to Mando about the Dark saber, that it once belonged to a Mandalorian and Jedi. She explains that it was created over 1000 years ago, before accepting Mando into their creed. She melts down the Beskar spear.
3. I love the fact we are seeing The Armor teach Mando how to use the Dark saber, that he has to use the saber against his opponent. We get to see Mando’s first duel for the Dark saber against a Vizla descendant.
4. Is this new droid… is it BD-1? As in Cal Kestis’s droid from Jedi Fallen Order?
5. Seeing Mando build his new ship from a run-down old ship and none other than the same model a young Anakin Skywalker flew in The Phantom Menace was amazing. It brought back so many memories. It truly felt nice seeing people talk about the time before the Empire. Seeing Mando fly through the same trail Anakin did was perfect.
What I Disliked
1. This isn’t a true dislike but did we just see Mando lose the right to the Dark saber in his first actual duel?

Favourite Moment
My favorite moment would definitely be the flashbacks to finally seeing the Empire destroy and kill the planet of Mandalore. This is something that has been spoken about many times. So to finally see flashbacks of it was amazing.
Standout Character
I think it is safe to say that Mando was the standout of the week. Honestly, this character has already become an iconic character.
Hands down the best episode of the entire season. It felt very different from the normal Boba episode, the atmosphere, worlds, surrounding, and quality all felt like a Mandalorian episode. It was a fantastic episode and can not wait for more.
Rating 10/10
The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Hands down the best episode of the entire season. It felt very different from the normal Boba episode, the atmosphere, worlds, surrounding, and quality all felt like a Mandalorian episode. It was a fantastic episode and can not wait for more.