Season 1 Episode 6 – Mysteries are explored and Boba Fett learns new information.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Cobb Vanth makes an appearance right at the beginning of the episode now assuming he will be part of Boba’s army to fight the Pikes. It’s great to see The Marshal back again! The way in which he immediately takes out 4 members of the Pikes is mighty impressive, what a start.
2. Don Djarin is back again in this episode and he flies to a planet we’re not sure of yet, we do see R2D2 scanning his ship as he flies in. I’m thankful Mando is back in this episode as I thought it was the last episode and then the final episode and that would be it.
3. We’re already being treated in this episode. I was expecting to see Grogu but I was not expecting to see Luke Skywalker in this episode! I’m overwhelmed with this so far. We see Grogu training in the ways of the force with Luke assisting him which is wonderful to see.
4. As Luke and Grogu go for a walk, Luke begins mentioning how Grogu reminds him of Yoda but I can’t concentrate on the story because Grogu isn’t really “walking”, Luke is pushing him along using the force and it’s hilarious.
5. We actually get our first flashback scene for Grogu. What looks to be in the midst of Order 66, 3 Jedi can be seen protecting Grogu as the clones advance forward. The scene does end there but I think it’s great that they’re showing us this. Even more, so that they’re continuing to showcase and mention the Prequels, part of Star Wars I feel like deserves it.
6. Continuing on from a character-filled episode, another Jedi decides to make an appearance at the same place Luke and Grogu are. Ahsoka Tano makes a show, if all of these are planning to fight in Boba’s war next week then it’s going to be some damn entertaining TV.
7. It’s a sad scene coming up now. Din sees Grogu training with Luke from afar as he walks with Ahsoka. She basically explains to Din that he can see him, but if he does it will only make things more difficult for Grogu’s training. I would have liked to see them connect again but understanding Star Wars lore and how Jedi training works, I do get it.
8. We now get somewhat of a training montage for Grogu and Luke. You can see Grogu getting slightly better with each scene with the force. It’s just nice we’re seeing Luke use techniques from other Jedi he was trained from. Running through a forest with Grogu on his back the same way he did running through Dagobah with Yoda on his back. He also uses the same droid to train reflexes, the same way Obi-Wan did on Tatooine.
9. A subtle moment as Ahsoka and Luke have a conversation regarding Grogu. She gives him Don’s gift, and she mentions that he’s much like his father. I just think this was a very nice touch considering Ahsoka was Anakin’s apprentice.
10. It’s back to Luke and Grogu now as they sit in the building the spider bots were building before. Luke presents Grogu with the Beskar gift and it looks like a full shirt made from Beskar to protect him. Luke also gives him a choice, he can either have the Beskar armor or Yoda’s lightsaber which Luke offers him. We don’t see the choice Grogu makes but I really hope he does take the saber, but my gut feeling is saying he’ll choose the armor purely because he was missing during the sequels? Or maybe Jon and Dave are about to change that? Who knows, but it’s set the finale up perfectly.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Cad Bane makes an appearance towards the end of the episode in a showdown against Vanth. A proper cowboy stand-off. It’s a very intense scene. With the eerie feeling, you know Cobb is about to lose this and he does. His deputy is also killed. It’s taken a further interesting turn now Cad Bane is part of the war on the side of the Pikes. He did have an interesting point that Boba is a cold-blooded killer who worked for the Empire.
Standout Character
This may be a surprising one but for me it’s Luke. It’s absolutely delightful that we actually get to see how he was when it came to training Jedi. In this episode, we get so many montages of him training Grogu, how he’s doing it and what his goals are. Plus, I never expected to see him again after the Mandalorian season 2 finale so this was truly great.
This show delivered, again. Another masterclass of an episode. Granted, Boba wasn’t in it this episode a great deal but for how much it set up, how many characters returned was just super entertaining. I can’t get enough for next week, I’ve never been this excited for a finale before.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
This show delivered, again. Another masterclass of an episode. Granted, Boba wasn't in it this episode a great deal but for how much it set up, how many characters returned was just super entertaining. I can't get enough for next week, I've never been this excited for a finale before.