Season 1 Episode 7 – “Boba Fett and Fennec Shand face an escalating conflict.”
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. They have absolutely nailed the whole character of Cad Bane. From the personality to the character design down to the walk of the infamous bounty hunter from The Clone Wars. I still can’t believe in 2022 we have a series focused on Boba Fett with Cad Bane in it.
2. Did Grogu make his decision by choosing The Mandalorian over his Jedi future? This is going to be an interesting season of The Mandalorian and to see if there is any fallout from the choice that he has made.
3. The locals have decided to go against Boba Fett by attacking all of his people. The guards get pushed off a cliff while the mods get shot at. Krrsantan gets overwhelmed by the Trandoshians. Shand manages to save the mods.
4. The Mando and Boba Fett catch the Pikes off guard and take the fight to them. This duo is amazing to watch. Even though they were overwhelmed, and getting absolutely pelted with blaster shots, they were saved by the Free Town civilians. I absolutely loved this scene.
5. Krrsantan is an absolute tank. I love this Wookiee more than I do Chewie. He’s such a great addition to the series. I hope we get to see more of him going forward in the Star Wars universe.
6. Mando continuing to learn how to use the Darksaber is what is needed. It feels as though wielding that saber is a massive undertaking. Mando is about to get killed by the droid when Grogu uses the Force to save him. You just love to see it.
7. A giant Rancor vs a giant Droid is something I never knew I wanted to see in live-action Star Wars. I absolutely loved seeing the Rancor destroy the droids while being ridden by Boba. Very reminiscing of the Star Wars Christmas cartoon.
8. The stand-off between Boba and Cad Bane, ends with Cad being faster than Boba at shooting. Just as when Cad is about to shoot and finish Boba, Boba manages to disarm Cad with his Gaffi stick and kill him by stabbing him with it.
9. Grogu has a similar ability to Ezra Bridger where he is more in tune with animals and creatures to allow him to use the Force to speak and to connect with them to use them or to calm them down, we saw Ezra use this ability a lot throughout Rebels.
What I Disliked
Absolutely nothing to report.
Favourite Moment
Seeing the teamwork between Mando and Boba against two giant-shielded droids was amazing. Seeing Krrsantan take huge hits and get back up and continue to shoot the Pikes showcases just how powerful he truly is. Boba brings back up… his Rancor. He comes in riding the Rancor like an absolute king.
Standout Character
I have to give this to Boba. He was fantastic in this episode.
I don’t have anything bad to say about the episode, I simply loved and enjoyed every single moment of the episode. The quality, the acting, the characters, the entertainment were all of the highest standards. Robert Rodriguez directed one hell of a finale.
Rating 10/10

The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
I don't have anything bad to say about the episode, I simply loved and enjoyed every single moment of the episode. The quality, the acting, the characters, the entertainment were all of the highest standards. Robert Rodriguez directed one hell of a finale.