The Book of Boba Fett began in a great way for me. I’m 28, so growing up the Original series had already aired alongside several books that basically told us Fett survived the Sarlacc Pit. Canon or not, we always kind of knew. To survive that Pit alone required great strength and durability. Getting to see this in pure live-action did a lot for me.
Whilst we did get to see Boba’s survival, we do also get kind of like a 50/50 start where it would show us then and show us now. It’s all done in a very attentive way that only Star Wars could whilst being filled with Easter Eggs.
Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t The Mandalorian. It’s more difficult to use an already established character compared to dishing out fresh narratives as they can with Din Djarin. However, the showrunners did a great job with the show. There is a lot to shout about when it comes to the very first season of The Book of Boba Fett.
As always, Disney continues to use more of the Legends aspects of their massive franchise, which actually includes Boba’s survival as well. They’ve taken risks by deciding on what is canon and what is not, they did so in quite major ways in the series.
Then there’s the second part, the Prequels.
For me, the Prequels are my go-to. I grew up with them. For such a long time the Prequels were like a disease that even Star Wars themselves seemed to ignore. In the last few years, Disney has brought them back into play. The Book of Boba Fett’s season 1 does this. We know Boba is the clone/son of Jango Fett who was killed by Mace Windu during the Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones.
It’s stuff like this that we needed and it’s stuff like this that we definitely did get. Don’t get me wrong, the series wasn’t perfect. I’ve read a lot of comments online about people who hated the show but it’s each to their own, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience it took us through. If you’re a Star Wars fan or even just a Boba Fett fan, this is definitely something to consider watching.
2 episodes of the series were dedicated to The Mandalorian. Which is a decision I feel like can go two ways. I loved the episodes because I love Din Djarin, Grogu, and we also got Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka. However, I felt a bit concerned that 2 out of the 7 episodes featured Boba in for less than a minute. I felt this was a bit unfair and took us away from the series and story the show was initially building.
But, it’s hard to NOT be entertained when Mando is around, I guess. But it’s fine, on the other hand, it means we don’t need to wait to find out what happens. After all, this was usually The Mandalorian’s spot for release.
In a nutshell, I was impressed. Everything fit together nicely, the new groups, the characters, the fights, the direction was all done brilliantly by the studio. Again, it’s not perfect…but it’s close.
The show was obviously centered around Boba Fett himself but did have some regular cast members such as Fennec Shand, Krrsantan, The Mods, and more. Every major cast member did their jobs effectively, more so Fennec Shand who was brilliant yet again in this series, just as she was in The Mandalorian. She stood as Boba’s next in line and was there with him throughout everything. I do love the bond that has formed over time between Boba and Fennec.
Krrsantan was an honorable welcome into live-action and he is definitely someone I hope we see more of in the future, the same can be said for The Mods. That group intrigues me, how they fight (with the unnecessary spins), the bikes, their ultimate goals, I do feel like if done right, they could easily handle their own show.
Then there were the 2 Mandalorian episodes. We got Din Djarin back again, including Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Grogu, including the Mandalorian Armorer. For me, especially the scenes with Luke and Grogu were welcomed as always, but I feel like they could have waited for Mando’s season 3. Despite that though, Luke’s deepfake was done much, much better in the episode he was involved in. It’s crazy what technology can do nowadays.
However, I do have a slight issue with the main antagonist(s) which were the Mayor and the Pike Syndicate, maybe you could sprinkle Cad Bane in there as well but they just didn’t do enough. Yes, it was intense with the way it built up to the final episode. I do wish we could have seen them do more and make Boba’s life more difficult than it was. After all, they only fully went out in the finale, prior to that it was all built and all talk.
You can see the full cast list on IMDB by clicking here.
Standout Character
This may seem controversial but my standout character of the show has to go to Din Djarin. Now, I have my reasons. I got more excited in episode 5 when he showed up than I did out of any other episode in the series. Not to mention I feel like he made the most impact, even more so when it came to the war itself. Yes, Boba rode a Rancor and slapped the hell out of a droid but Din Djarin was just comfortable in the entire time. In 3 episodes for me, he completely stole the show and it proves how huge of a character The Mandalorian has grown to be.
Favourite Episode
Another section that may seem like I’m contradicting myself but Episode 6 was my favorite episode, mainly because it focused on what happened after the events of the season 2 finale for The Mandalorian. We get to see Luke again which is always a plus. We also get to see him train Grogu the same way Yoda was training Luke to a degree. Ahsoka was there and that tiny conversation she had with Luke was incredible.
Worst Episode
Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa was the worst episode of the show for me. That’s not necessarily to say it was a bad episode because it wasn’t. It just didn’t have those wow factors the other episodes did. It felt slow in parts, not to mention there was a lot of unneeded time spent on things that didn’t matter.
Episodes & Their Ratings
Episode 1: Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land – 9.4/10
Episode 2: Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine – 10/10
Episode 3: Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa – 9.1/10
Episode 4: Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm – 10/10
Episode 5: Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian – 10/10
Episode 6: Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger – 10/10
Episode 7: Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor – 10/10
Average rating – 9.8/10
Our Overall Rating 9.2/10
The show managed to maintain an average of 9.8/10 compared to our overall score of 9.2. For me, one of the main drops as our rating on the antagonist which got 7/10. The issue I had is there was never an antagonist with a face to it. We had the Mayor and the Pike Syndicate, also Cad Bane but they never really made such an impact on the season. Even still, a cracking overall score.
Does It Deserve Another Season?
I am always up for Star Wars content but I think this one more season would suffice. Boba Fett is past his prime now, it was prevalent in the current season. I do think if they are to do another season they really need to go all out, and by all out, I mean someone like Mace Windu where the story and narrative would work wonders for entertainment value.
The Book of Boba Fett is only exclusively available on Disney+. You can see more by clicking here.
The Review
Story - 9
Action - 10
Characters - 9.5
Entertainment - 10
Episodes - 9
Antagonist - 7
Quality - 9.8
The Book of Boba Fett began in a great way for me. I’m 28, so growing up the Original series had already aired alongside several books that basically told us Fett survived the Sarlacc Pit. Canon or not, we always kind of knew. To survive that Pit alone required great strength and durability. Getting to see this in pure live-action did a lot for me.