Season 2 Episode 7 “To help Victoria Neuman make a case against Vought, Mallory and The Boys look to an unlikely source for answers. Hughie gets terrifying news about Starlight. Meanwhile, Homelander and Stormfront further their master plan for Compound V.”
What I Liked?
1. Stormfront has been on TV giving speeches about needing more Supes to take down these Supe villains which are coming into America and destroying things, she’s causing normal people to act rash and kill innocent people. She’s such a good villain.
2. Starlight meets with her mother about them potentially leaving and getting away from Vought, before they meet, Starlight’s mother rang Ashely and cleared it then Black Noir appeared out of nowhere and knocked Starlight out.
3. Homelander continues to manipulate the public, he and Stormfront do a press conference and expose Starlight as a mole inside of The Seven, This is when Hughie sees the news on TV and gets Lamplighter to help him break into the Seven tower.
4. Now for one of my best moments in the episode. We finally got to see and learn more about Butcher and his backstory. We learn more about his brother Lenny and him sticking a gun in his mouth and committing suicide, That Butcher’s father has a short amount of time to live and that Butcher was part of the SAS.
5. MM and Malorie go to see the Dr who helped create Supes, they ask him for his help in getting back at Vought but he refuses. Malorie then tells MM that he should return to his family and not return to this life.
6. Homelander takes Stormfront to see Ryan his son, the two then try to push Becca out the way and manipulate Ryan into joining them. They successfully make that happen and the trio flies off leaving Becca helpless.
7. Butcher’s nasty side appears when he also goes to the Dr to force him to testify against Vought in court, he threatens the Dr with killing his daughter, then his sons, their wives, and their children. He may have only threatened him but this side of Butcher was pure ruthless.
8. Vought is in court with many Supes in attendance. Dr. Jonah arrives and the judges give him 5 minutes to explain but one of the judges heads explode like Butchers CIA handler, then many other civilians heads explode along with A-Trains enemy, the speedster from Season 1. This was a bloody good scene. (pun intended).
What I disliked?
My only dislike about the episode was the fact after how well last week’s episode was, we have over 36 minutes of no action and just all reveals and talking. Slightly disappointing.

Favorite Moment
Hughie and Lamplighter work together to sneak into the Seven tower and rescue Starlight, when the two manage to sneak into the building, Lamplighter takes Hughie to the Seven statues where he wanted to set himself on fire, which he does, killing himself, Starlight breaks out her cell and makes her way to the conference room where Black Noir brutally beats him until Maeve shoves a peanut bar in his power since he’s allergic to them.
standout Character
It’s hard to write a standout character but I’ll say Butcher takes this one. We learned some stuff about his backstory and we saw a nasty side of him too.
The Verdict
I’ll be honest, This was going to turn out to be one of the weakest episodes of the season for me but the last 20-25 minutes of the episode really saved it from the reveals, the Lamplighter to the beatdown Black Noir gave Starlight. The courtroom scene was honestly brutal and I can not wait to see who the culprit is.
Rating: 8.5/10
Story - 9
Action - 7
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 8
I'll be honest, This was going to turn out to be one of the weakest episodes of the season for me but the last 20-25 minutes of the episode really saved it from the reveals, the Lamplighter to the beatdown Black Noir gave Starlight. The courtroom scene was honestly brutal and I can not wait to see who the culprit is.