Season 4 Episode 2 –
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I wasn’t expecting to see Will Ferrell be involved in a campaign for A-Train.

2. Butcher is finally kicked out of The Boys by MM when they all discover his prognosis. I mean, it makes sense. There’s been tension between Butcher and the team, the last straw has come but I think what I like more than anything here is the curiosity surrounding how Butcher will react.
3. One of the characters I particularly dislike more than anybody is Ashley, just because of the way she goes on around Homelander and then acts tough around everybody else. Deep threatens her very peculiarly, and I’m glad it happened. She is completely tense and has no idea how to react which is pretty damn entertaining to watch.
4. Truthcon really is the embodiment of real life to a degree, it’s hilarious. You see all of the posters and pamphlets that indicate further conspiracy theories such as your brain is an experiment and Stormfront is still alive. I feel like I should be wearing a tinfoil hat watching this scene but here we are.
5. A grown-ass man wearing a shirt that says; “Starlight is a pedo”. I couldn’t help but just burst out laughing at that.
6. A-Train delivers yet again as he hands Starlight and Hughie proof of the actual murders in the form of a flash drive. I’d love to see A-Train finally turn on The Seven and join The Boys. I don’t know, I know it’s wishful thinking but I want to see him become an actual hero instead of catering to all of Homelander’s demands which he clearly doesn’t want to do. Imagine A-Train as part of The Boys though?!
What I Disliked
1. Ryan plays basketball with a human body as he throws the Director against a building killing him instantly. I didn’t particularly dislike this scene but it was just beyond predictable which isn’t usually the case with this show.
2. MM was a bit of a dick in this episode in fairness. I get it to an extent because he and Butcher have always had their issues but at the end of the episode when Butcher actually opened up and asked for help – I expected MM to do this because there’s a child at stake but he still let his pride get the best of him. I fully expect this to change as the season progresses but I didn’t like this at all.
Favorite Moment
It all goes to hell for MM, Frenchie, and Kimiko as they become cornered by Sage, Splinter, and Firecracker. Sage steps back whilst Frenchie and MM take on the clones whilst Kimiko takes on Firecracker. Besides seeing a lot of penis, this scene was action-packed. The Boys are ultimately defeated as Kimoko takes a shot to the end, Firecracker then goes live and begins talking nonsense before Butcher intervenes and turns the tide of the entire fight. What a scene!
Standout Character
It’s a difficult one to give in this episode as I felt like every character was equal enough. Of course, I have to give this to someone so the person who stood out the most to me was Splinter. I mean, he stood out alright. To act and film some of the scenes he did especially the human centipede type scene in particular must’ve taken some confidence to do. It was all mostly disgusting and that’s why he stood out more than anything.
It’s never a dull moment in The Boys and this episode was no different. There were some moments I wasn’t a fan of but on an overall scale, I was entertained throughout and that’s what it’s all about.
Rating 9.4/10

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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
It's never a dull moment in The Boys and this episode was no different. There were some moments I wasn't a fan of but on an overall scale, I was entertained throughout and that's what it's all about.