Season 2 Episode 2 “Butcher is back with the Boys, but tensions flare with Hughie. Homelander spends quality time with his new “family.” Starlight and Stormfront bond at a press junket and the Boys hunt down a supe terrorist, with a startling identity.”
What I Liked
1. Butcher is back and is ready to once again lead the team. Although he is optimistic, Hughie does not quite feel the same, and tensions rise between the two.
2. Last episode we were introduced to Stormfront, although we did not get to see much of her we got to see more this episode. Of course, this girl isn’t quite aware of the rules, although I don’t think she’d care even if she knew them. A funny addition to the cast which is always appreciated.
3. After getting high, Deep and his gills have a little heart to heart, which of course was hilarious in itself. However had to overdo itself by then having the Gills sing to him, with an amazing cover of “You are so beautiful.”
4. Maeve visits her ex-girlfriend Elena in the hospital, and when confronted by her Maeve goes on to tell Elena about her fear of Homelander, and how she believes he will kill Elena if he finds out about her.
5. A-Train is back and remembers everything that happened. While trying to blackmail Starlight, she takes Stormfronts advice and gives him a swift reminder that she knows he killed his girlfriend.
What I Disliked
1. I’m not entirely sure who lies at fault for this, I’m not sure if others have had the same issue. However, on a couple of occasions, there have been scenes with Kimiko and her brother, while he talks another language and she is speaking in sign language. During these scenes there were no subtitles, we have no idea what was said in these conversations, and since nobody else is there to translate it for us later, we know we aren’t going to know which is quite irritating.
Favourite Moment
A-Train is back and remembers everything that happened. While trying to blackmail Starlight, she takes Stormfronts advice and gives him a swift reminder that she knows he killed his girlfriend.
Standout Character
Going to give the standout character to our new girl for this episode, Stormfront. She’s different from the others, has a good sense of humour to her which every show needs, and convinced Starlight to stop shying away from who she is.
This episode had its high points and it’s low. The story did not really go anywhere and did not intrigue me, however, there were some great action scenes and good moments from the characters.
Rating 7.3/10

Story - 6
Action - 9
Characters - 8
Entertainment - 6
This episode had its high points and it's low. The story did not really go anywhere and did not intrigue me, however, there were some great action scenes and good moments from the characters.