The Boys is set in a universe where superpowered individuals are recognized as heroes by the general public and of course they are run by a powerful and rich corporation, Vought International who are there to make sure the heroes are marketed and monetized… However the heroes have grown arrogant and corrupt. The series focuses on two groups, The Seven who are Vought International’s premier superhero team… The other group is called The Boys who are vigilantes looking to keep the corrupted heroes under control.
The Boys are led by Billy Butcher, who is out for revenge and hates the heroes, He leads a group of people, Mother’s Milk and Frenchie, who later let’s Hughie join. The Seven is led by Homelander who has a massive ego and has became unstable because of the corruption. The series focuses on the 2 newbies to each group, Hughie who joins The Boys after A-Train runs through his girlfriend and is killed. Annie AKA Starlight who is a young and hopeful heroine who joins The Seven and is unaware of the corruption inside The Seven.
The Boys is an absolutely crazy superhero show in the greatest way imaginable. Eric Kripke adapts Garth Ennis’ and Darick Robertson’s graphic novel into a incredible drama that explores the complex nature of not only what it means to be a superhero but also the effects it has on the general public.
The Seven are a dynamic bunch to follow, even if you only get to see and get to know 3 or 4 of them. The Boys delivers a jaw dropping 8 hours of incredible TV. The Boys is also a little more of a known quantity because it’s a superhero show, that it’s an anti-superhero show in which the costumed crime fighters are the bad guys, who are arrogant, corporatized and heedless of collateral damage to the innocent. The Boys are a motley, disreputable bunch who take on The Seven, with all that said the series is quite enjoyable, particularly in a fast and clever first episode that introduces us to the world in which the show is set.
The Seven are essentially a corrupted and arrogant version of DC Comic’s Justice League:
Homelander – Superman
Queen Maeve -Wonder Woman
A-Train – The Flash
The Deep – Aquaman
Black Noir – Batman
The heroes are rounded out with Translucent and Starlight.
It’s deeply blasphemous, graphically violent and explicitly sexual, but within all the brutality lies an unexpected amount of heart, removing much of the vicious misogyny of the books has given it a warmer feeling even though the specter of workplace sexual violence remains.
While every single actor in the show gives incredible performances Karl Urban is outstanding in each and every episode. The show gave us twists and turns, brutal scenes and a unexpected ending.
The first season was crazy and incredible and I can not imagine what is in store for season 2.
It’s a must see for everyone!!!
Season rating: 9.8/10
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