Season 4 Episode 3 – This December at VoughtCoin Arena, experience the story of Christmas the way it was meant to be told… on ice! Vought Presents Vought on Ice! Tickets available now at VoughtOnIce.com!
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain significant spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode, we recommend that you click off the article and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. Homelander appears to be losing his patience with Ryan which was expected to happen sooner or later. As Homelander introduces the new members of the Seven, including Ryan, Ryan appears to be unsure of this and Homelander aggressively whispers in his ear telling him to smile. I’m curious to see how much longer Homelander can remain patient with him, as I can’t imagine it’ll be for much longer.
2. I loved the Mortal Kombat gaming sequence that happens as Ryan and Butcher game together online, that’s actually a pretty good idea to give it an Injustice-type feel.
3. Frenchie and Kimiko investigate a splinter cell that is trafficking kids. Frenchie beforehand takes some form of drug and starts hallucinating which doesn’t help with the task at hand. Kimiko begins fighting whilst Frenchie initially sees ducks and bubbles before stumbling across Colin. He begins to see what is seemingly everybody he’s killed.
4. It’s not very often you see a pretty heartwarming scene in the series. Butcher properly opens up to Ryan, explaining that he’s terrified to die. It was a beautiful moment.
5. As Homelander continues his search whilst everyone is dying on the ice, A-Train saves Hughie. I am becoming more and more hopeful that A-Train will join The Boys, I’m ready for it.
6. Another touching moment for the episode. This time, it’s between Hughie and his Mom. She tells Hughie why she left him when he was a child giving him a full explanation. I hardly expect 1 heartwarming moment in this show never mind two. It feels weird but these moments are nice, I’m glad they’re included.
7. Homelander goes in on Ryan after Ryan visits Butcher. He loses his temper and very nearly loses full control of his temper before his 3 different reflections tell him to go back to the start. We’ve seen Homelander a few times get to these moments where he becomes far too angry but I really want to see him act on it. I’m hoping this is something we see this season.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favorite Moment
As Hughie tries to plant a bug in the conversation between Sage, Homelander, and Neuman, he gets made by Homelander who then tries to kill him. This happens when there’s an ice skating event on which isn’t great for my weird phobia of ice skating as we see throats slit and fingers chopped clean off. A graphic scene that was just an utter delight. I love the fact that Homelander barely even hesitated this time with Hughie, he just went for the kill.
Standout Character
Homelander. He stood out among the rest in that episode more notably due to the aggression. He had no qualms about killing anybody here and it’s a vast difference from the previous 2 episodes. I am hoping this begins to be Homelander’s downfall as he takes it one step too far (further than what he has already done).
Another fantastic episode. I feel like I write the same things over and over again when it comes to the verdict section but it’s true. The Boys has been one of the best things to embrace our TV screens this year and this episode further proves that. Thursday cannot come quickly enough for the next episode.
Rating 9.8/10

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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 9
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
Another fantastic episode. I feel like I write the same things over and over again when it comes to the verdict section but it's true. The Boys has been one of the best things to embrace our TV screens this year and this episode further proves that. Thursday cannot come quickly enough for the next episode.