Season 1 Episode 6 – As The Flag Smashers escalate their efforts, Sam and Bucky take action.
What I Liked
1. They have done EXCEPTIONALLY well with Falcon’s suit. The way he flies into the building where the Flag Smashers have held the GRC members was amazing. He even threw the shield first as well. We’re in for one hell of a ride here.
2. The fight between Falcon and Georges was great. The way Sam has come into his own when handling the shield is super impressive, and not just using the shield, but utilizing the suit at the exact same time. It just reminds me of Endgame when Cap had the Mjolnir and the shield.
3. As Sam is chasing the helicopter, that helicopter manages to hit another helicopter which results in severe damage. Sam and Red Wing manage to grab both the pilots and get them to safety, it was so quick and smooth it was good!
4. Now it’s John vs the Flag Smashers including Karli, and John is pissed. We see the makeshift shield he managed to create didn’t hold up to his expectations as we all pretty much knew it wouldn’t. Unfortunately for John, he gets severely beaten down by the multiple Flag Smashers until Bucky manages to intervene. Despite all the negativity surrounding Karli from idiots, I’m impressed with her fighting skills, and the way she fights against John. She makes him look like a moron on multiple occasions.
5. “Boy, you just earned this ass whooping!!” And oh boy he did. The way Sam manages to put the woman in control of that helicopter, I just can’t. “Dis too much”.
6. I’m glad to see the people welcoming Sam in with pure open arms in regards to the Captain America mantle. He stops the truck from falling a great deal after John tried but he was stopped by a Flag Smasher. Once the truck is safe and the people are okay, the crowd watching on just goes crazy for him. So did I!
7. Sharon turned out to be the Power Broker after all. This is a theory a lot of fans actually mentioned. Georges, Karli, and Sharon all sit at a standoff. Georges is demanding now 4 times the amount for spying on Karli. We also learn that Sharon took Karli in way back when. Georges and Sharon both end up shot until Falcon spears Karli. It’s time for a fight, well…kind of.
8. Karli goes wild on Falcon, but he refuses to fight back, and he attempts to dodge her every move. She becomes increasingly frustrated, and once she gets Sam to the floor – she picks up a gun and goes to shoot him, and very nearly does until she got shot several times. As the camera pans over it’s Sharon holding the gun whilst injured herself. It’s an emotional scene, but it definitely made the impact it was supposed to.
9. Sam is also not just taking a lot from Steve, he’s actually picking up the speeches side on top. I got huge goosebumps when he blasts the senators for their decisions with the people that came back from the blip.
10. As expected, John becomes U.S. Agent with a slightly updated suit. I like this, I really enjoyed John throughout the season so I am glad he’s been given a mantle to continue through as he’s been a fantastic addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
11. Bucky gets his closure, especially admitting his wrongdoings as the Winter Soldier. It’s emotional, but I am happy he’s managed to get through all of that.
12. Sam takes Isaiah to the Captain America museum, where Isaiah’s name and the story are inscribed on a stone because of Sam. Another emotional scene and one deserved, especially for Isaiah.
13. Sharon Carter got the full pardon promised to her by Sam, but her intentions are not great judging by the call at the end. It’s interesting to see where her character is going to go, that’s for sure.
14. Just a subtle one, but I really liked how the end title card was “Captain America and the Winter Soldier”.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report.
Favourite Moment
However, despite the two emotional scenes that came before. We see Sam back with Sarah and his family – happy. Literally, happy. Bucky is there with him also smiling and laughing. It’s not often now we get super happy endings to a show, and I am super happy we got this.
Standout Character
It has to be Sam, although this is one of the most difficult choices I’ve had to make when it came to giving the standout, Anthony Mackie as Captain America is perfect. He nailed the role, the suit is stunning, and his entire demeanor is great. I’m happy now going forward, he’s our Cap.
I didn’t think I was ever going to stop typing with this review, because the episode was literally just that good. A perfect ending to a perfect series, I am just hoping a season 2 is announced because I just want more of both Sam and Bucky. Their chemistry on-screen is astounding.
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
I didn't think I was ever going to stop typing with this review, because the episode was literally just that good. A perfect ending to a perfect series, I am just hoping a season 2 is announced because I just want more of both Sam and Bucky. Their chemistry on-screen is astounding.