Season 1 Episode 5 – John Walker faces consequences for his actions, and Sam and Bucky return to the U.S.
What I Liked
1. John is completely stripped of his rank, his title as Captain America and more from a panel. It’s understandable, to say the least, and I agree. He definitely needed to be stripped, despite him having the right intentions, killing someone in cold blood public deserves that.
2. Bucky and Zemo talk next to a statue until Bucky points a gun at his head and pulls the trigger. He actually took all the bullets out of the gun, and the Wakandan’s took him away. I did like the fact that in some way, in the end, Bucky had some respect for Zemo. Especially considering Zemo did actually help out a considerable amount.
3. Sam visits Isaiah and we learn about what Isaiah went through, and it was terribly emotional. The one thing which is so real here is the actual pure racism that blacks did and still do suffer daily. Even to the point, Isaiah is missing the point of what Steve Rogers actually stood for, and what the shield actually represents.
4. Sam returns home to help his family with the boat and the business. I love this scene so much because the entire town comes in to help, and even more so Bucky returns to help. It’s nice to see them come together in such a way, their partnership is exceptional.
5. Following on from them working on the boat, they throw the shield and have an emotional, heart to heart on both sides. Apologies, and tough love. They’ve both come a long way as a duo and they really do have a monumental amount of chemistry.
6. An epic training montage of Sam getting used to the shield. It was just so fun to see him actually throw the shield acrobatically. A short but fun scene to watch.
7. End credit scene shows us that John really is with his word when he told the panel he IS Captain America. The shot shows us that he’s making his own version of the shield. We’re unsure if he was using vibranium or not, but it’s interesting to see where he goes with this.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
John’s emotional aspect kicks in after the “murder”. His anger becomes almost uncontrollable. Sam and Bucky follow him, where Sam requests the shield back cause John to become defensive. An incredible fight happens as Sam and Bucky fight for the shield. John almost kills Sam until Bucky stops him. As they edge for the shield, they snap John’s arm it seems. What a fight, what a battle. What a start to the episode!
Standout Character
Bucky. It was difficult to decide between him and Sam, but Bucky has come a long way as a character and this episode definitely reflected that. His emotional touches, willingness to help, his fighting, it was superior this week and he thoroughly deserves it.
What an episode! I am still blown away at how fantastic this show actually is, and this episode was no different. Every single character had a heavy story involved, I was truly blown away.
Rating 10/10

Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
What an episode! I am still blown away at how fantastic this show actually is, and this episode was no different. Every single character had a heavy story involved, I was truly blown away.