Season 7 Episode 1 – When an experiment to save Barry’s speed backfires, Nash Wells searches for a way to save The Flash and comes up with a dangerous plan; Iris makes a startling realization inside the Mirrorverse.
What I Liked
1. The first scene has us abit confused at first as we are reintroduced to Sam Scudder, but not for long. Sam was actually Evas first creation, and she was also the one to destroy him in the end.
2. “I’m not going to give all that up so Barry Allen can run fast” a fantastic quote by Nash, what a way to put it!
3. Iris is literally battling with herself mentally as she is still trapped in Evas mirrored universe. Her scenes were pretty dark and intense.
4. Allegra and Nash come up with a plan to transfer Nash’s multiverse particles into the Fusion sphere, however when this does not work, the sphere transfers all of the Wells into Barry, giving us “Monsieur” Barry Allen, Shakespeare Barry and so on. This scene was hilarious and Grant absolutely nailed his impressions.
5. Nash knows he has to die in order to save Barry, but he isn’t ready to go yet. Tom Cavanagh’s acting outstands me in every character he portrays, you end up absolutely loving every single Wells that comes in to play.
6. Cecile tries to crack Rosa but upon failing that she realised she needed to play this a different way. Cecile admits she has held back on her powers because she was afraid of what she’d turn into. But she eventually pushes herself and her abilities, forcing all her fear into Rosa, until she eventually breaks.
7. As Nash powers the fusion sphere, Barry runs, giving us the thing we’ve all been waiting for to return, The Flash.
8. Everything Eva has thought about herself has been wrong. As she watches the footage from when the Particle accelerator exploded, it reveals that Eva did in fact die, and the Eva we have been watching, is the mirror duplicate.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
“How can I be the Flash without a Wells on the team” truly outstanding acting from both Tom and Grant in this scene. So emotional and powerful, Nash and all of the other Wells will be a true miss to the show, this scene really did hit us hard.
Standout Character
So this weeks standout absolutely has to go to Nash but I feel I need to be more specific by saying Tom Cavanagh, as every single “Wells” that we know and love! His portrayal of each of these characters has been incredible throughout every season and they will all be a miss!
Such an emotional episode as it brings us to the end of Wells. This episode gave us the ring around with emotions, one moment you’re laughing, the next you’re not. I personally loved this episode.
Rating 9.3/10
Promo For Next Episode
Story - 10
Action - 8
Characters - 9
Entertainment - 10
Such an emotional episode as it brings us to the end of Wells. This episode gave us the ring around with emotions, one moment you’re laughing, the next you’re not. I personally loved this episode.