Season 8 Episode 3 – Barry meets Black Lightning at the Hall of Justice after things take a dire turn with Despero; Iris suspects something is off with Despero’s vision of the future so she seeks help from a powerful ally.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I absolutely love the fact the Arrowverse has an Injustice protocol in case one of them went rogue. If you know of Injustice then you will know this is a super interesting arc. Barry asks Jefferson to strip his powers due to this. I mean, The CW had the balls to create Crisis on Infinite Earths, it wouldn’t surprise me if they went down a full-blown Injustice storyline.
2. I’m with Iris against Cecile here. Joe’s death came out of nowhere in this crossover, but I think most of us probably know he’s not truly dead considering this story sprung out of nowhere. Not to mention they wouldn’t kill him off off-screen. Iris has some form of weak evidence but wants to push to find out the truth as they only have hope left. Cecile becomes super defensive about the idea, and the reason I love this scene is the acting is phenomenal both from actresses. Very well played.
3. Deon returns to the episode and honestly, it’s great to see him again. As Iris is seeing these particles around her also where Joe died, Deon undoes all of her “treatment” which allows them both to see these isotopes. We learn that someone rewrote history, which I think most of us kind of knew anyway. Technically Joe was never supposed to die in the current timeline.
4. Despero is becoming more villainous as the episodes go. This week there’s no mercy, straight up almost murdering Rosa, causing the guards involved in STAR Labs to kill each other and more in his hunt for Barry. He is becoming more interesting as this crossover progresses.
5. I am so glad Jefferson put Barry on blast. I love Barry but the one thing I’m honestly sick of is the self-pity parties. After Jefferson attempts to walk away Barry becomes aggressive and slings a lightning bolt at him. Perfectly dodged though. This scene was intense, most of all, it was needed.
6. After Despero almost kills Barry, Jefferson holds him off so Barry can run to the future in 2031. Here though, we learn that Eobard, Harrison or whoever Tom Cavanagh is portraying is actually in a relationship with Iris. Ryan Choi, Alex, and even Ryan Wilder are there at this private event. When Barry walks in, they all turn aggressively to stare at him. This entire crossover just got interesting. I do love it when they explore the future.
What I Disliked
My only dislike was the scenes between Celine and Rosa. I found them boring. They dragged out for a little longer than they should have. It felt like it took a lot away from what was an otherwise perfect episode. Celine was overall exceptional this episode, but those scenes with the connected brainwave activity were meh.
Favourite Moment
After the pity party, it’s now Jefferson vs Barry. It was a fantastic fight scene. The aggression from The Flash was amazing, despite the fight ending in a draw it was still brilliant. I really hope Black Lightning becomes a regular cast during other shows within the Arrowverse. Even his speech to Barry about Oliver gave me goosebumps all over my body.
Standout Character
I will give this to Black Lightning this week. Understandably it’s an odd one, but the fact he’s here connecting with Barry is decent. I also do enjoy the fact that although Barry wants him to take away his speed, he knows full well it’s a mistake to do so, even despite the Injustice protocols.
“Where’s the future?”
“Whos’ life is this?”
“So, what are you gonna do with it?”
Armageddon continues with twists, turns, and cameos this week. It’s definitely shaping up to be one of the better crossovers in recent years. I absolutely love the direction that they’re heading within the crossover, more so alternative timelines, future travels, and the returns of some iconic Arrowverse characters including Black Lightning.
Rating 9.2/10
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The Review
Story - 9
Action - 8
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 9
Quality - 10
Armageddon continues with twists, turns, and cameos this week. It's definitely shaping up to be one of the better crossovers in recent years. I absolutely love the direction that they're heading with in the crossover, more so alternative timelines, future travels, and the returns of some iconic Arrowverse characters including Black Lightning.