Season 8 Episode 4 – Barry is shocked when Eobard Thawne returns in the most unexpected way, and with a tie to a loved one. Damien Darhk offers advice to Barry but there is a catch. An epic battle begins with The Reverse-Flash against The Flash and Team Flash.
Please note, our reviews are based on likes and dislikes. These contain major spoilers. If you haven’t already watched the episode we would recommend that you click off the article, and come back once you have watched the episode. Enjoy!
What I Liked
1. I’m not gonna lie, seeing both of them reversed in each other’s respective suits is a cool aspect. They both suit them very well which is surprising. The yellow Reverse-Flash suit looks great on Barry that’s for sure.
2. It turns out it was Reverse Flash all along. He’s the one that’s caused Barry to essentially lose his mind, but Eobard has had a huge helping hand in doing so. Joe’s “death”, the part where Barry attacks the city, was all Eobard. I’ll give the writers a brownie point for this because that’s actually pretty well done.
3. What’s even more sadistic and even more so that I had to put it down on my likes is that Eobard kills Barry as a child. This isn’t something we’re usually used to seeing on The Flash as it’s light-hearted the majority of the time, so I liked where they went with this.
4. Despite Damien Darkh being awfully poor in both Legends and Arrow, it’s still nice to see his super villainous ways return this episode. I tell you what though, Grant Gustin plays a villain very damn well. The way he is acting like he is Reverse-Flash to fool Darkh is brilliant.
5. The interesting takes follow as Barry and Damien storm STAR labs to get the device needed to restore the timeline. It’s quite an emotional scene once Darkh figured out Barry isn’t who he says he is. They bring us back to where Damien sacrificed himself for his daughter but in this timeline, it never happened.
6. To be fair, I’m actually enjoying Damien’s character in this episode. Whenever we see the deep emotional side of a villain it adds so much more to them in so many ways. Barry needs to reach Mach 20 when it comes to speed which we all know is ridiculous. As Barry is panicking, not believing in himself, he gets some encouraging and inspirational words from Damien. I loved that.
7. Now it’s Darkh vs Frost and Chillblaine but more hand-to-hand combat considering Constantine put a “protection” spell on them. We often forget at times that Darkh was trained in the League of Assassins. This scene overall was a great action sequence, it’s nice to see both of them back and we finally get Ryan Choi suited up.
What I Disliked
Nothing to report this week.
Favourite Moment
Barry reaching Mach 20 is super impressive. The fact he achieved it is something else, and the fastest we’ve seen him run so far. Iris was amazing in that scene, she helped him reconnect to the speed force which in turn, allowed him to complete his task without destroying the world.
Standout Character
It has to go to Barry this week. Seeing him as both The Flash and Reverse-Flash was impressive, and he looked incredible in the yellow suit. Everything done by him in this episode was entertaining, attempting to find a way to restore everything that he knows and loves.
I can honestly say I was blown away by this episode. It felt like a prime Flash episode back in the first 2 seasons. The storytelling was great, action sequences were well done and each of the cameo appearances from present and past characters was welcomed as well.
Rating 10/10
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The Review
Story - 10
Action - 10
Characters - 10
Entertainment - 10
Quality - 10
I can honestly say I was blown away by this episode. It felt like a prime Flash episode back in the first 2 seasons. The storytelling was great, action sequences were well done and each of the cameo appearances from present and past characters was welcomed as well.